People think that I drink too much
I don´t have a lover, brother
I keep away from the Juppies pappi
Whow, it moves me without a touch
People say that I think too much
But I´m as happy as I can be
I´m a dreamer and I dream of what will be
A better destiny
I don´t look back I look beyond
I´m just a struggling vagabond
But I get by well on my own
People think that I drink too much
But I´m as happy as I can be
So I´m a dreamer and I dream of what will be
A better world for you and me
Not like the others
They don't know that I'm not like the others.
having trouble telling
how i feel
but i can dance, dance, dance
couldn't possibly tell you
how i mean
but i can dance, dance, dance
(Lykke Li)
She sings the music that is inside of me.
"Narcissim och hatkärleken som kan uppstå i förhållandet med ens egen självbild."
Remember Me
I don't see the point in waiting. What if I die while waiting. Aneurysm burst or something.
Everything you do in life is insignificant, but it's important you do it.
If one has no affection for a person or a system, one should feel free to give the fullest expression to his disaffection so long as he does not contemplate, promote, or incite violence. (Gandhi)
Not going to play by the rules anymore. What is wrong with me.
Corrupt, alcoholized, overfed, sometimes charming, ego-maniacs
"The mechanism was not the big bang of war, but the whimper of demoralized elites who after lashing out violently become corrupt, alcoholized, overfed, sometimes charming, ego-maniacs."
"If the public knew what goes on behind closed door, like supporting an attack on Iraq in return for having somebody inscribed on the US list of terrorist organization, the opposition would increase."
Darwin's Nightmare
What do people live for? I certainly don’t have any idea what the point is; go to school, get educated, get a job and earn money so an apartment/house can be paid, "I'm a citizen of the world, I pay rent" etc. This endless churning. Time to spit it out? Something new. History - everything moves on, but why does it? I want to know the ending. Or maybe I don't. It's the ride that is to be enjoyed some say. We live in exciting times. Economic crises - the worst since the 1930's - a historical benchmark. The world might change, like in the 30's. Or it might not. All we know is that we move on. To what, who knows. For what purpose, no one cares.
A melancholy accident
The Rest is Silence
She would give anything to be a normal person. Someone who didn’t feel every second like an hour, someone who actually understood what people said, what they meant, what they wanted. She didn’t get other people, like normal people got each other. For some time now, she had been aware of the abnormality of her mind. When other, normal, people lived their days like nothing was amiss, she felt every second like the stab of a knife, her mind rushing away like a high velocity train. Everything had to happen at once; only it didn’t. It took so long time that she was tired of it already before it had come to pass. Was it possible that she lived in some pocket of time where time passed differently? Could that be an explanation for her complete inability to interact with other human beings who lived according to how most normal people perceived time? Maybe she was just desperate for an explanation.
DN: Betyder det något alls?
En läsare frågade om hans tankar kring möjligheterna att återvända till sitt hemland Australien. Assange sade att han saknar sitt hemland, men att han inte tror sig kunna återvända dit på grund av samarbeten mellan Australien och USA:
"Det lyfter frågan vad det betyder att vara medborgare, betyder det något alls?"