Taking care of all sorts of things in my way. I'm gonna have to wash all my clothes today. I paid some old bills not seen since I last missed 'em going throught my so called system on & on & on.
Coffee and a cigarette..the finest I could ever get. Just sitting here singing songs about nothing nobody right&wrongs.
I passed on to another room where everything looks different I could use som mild assistance now I forgot about what I was gonna do so help me to express I need to settle & confess. There's so many things I'd like to say but mostly I just run away...then suddenly my truth just lies there. I'm living it again, so definite it always wins so forever lost in everything I always do. I used to be so scared about that too.
Vill de spendera tid med mig? Nej det verkar inte så.
Gillar de mig? Kanske.
Överdriver jag? Kanske.