So. Here we are again. Loosing, always loosing. Downloading music to put in our ears, tunes in our heads, words echoing. If I had known what you are all going through, I would hug you hard and never let go. I would do that anyways. Sometimes I think I'm too shy to do that, what if people don't want that hug. Come on, who the fuck doesn't need a hug now and then.. Anyways. Every day is like a piece. A tiny tiny piece of broken glass. Without context, without meaning really. Well there is like a glimmer of meaning in each little piece, those special moments. Like laughing at a really stupid joke between classes. Like listening to a really good song and sing really really loud, not caring what others in the basement might think. Like tea with Sara. I think I'll write a song called Tea with Sara. The sweetest song ever. What would I do without you...
CUTE is what we aim for. <3
Newport Living
And if you lie you don't deserve to have friends
If you lie you don't deserve to have them
The social scene where she gets her fix
Has been broken since '86
Now just look at that social clique
Do you really wanna be a part of it?
Let's not let us forget
Where she gets the habit
She gets the pills from her skills
She gets the skills from the pills
And just look at that clique
Do you really wanna be the star of it?
Lyrical Lies
And you want to be dressed in poetry
But imagery doesn't fit
And you want resizing
But darling dear get a grip
And I think what I just wrote is going over my head
I'm stealing lines from myself
And what I said was never said
It's just a lyrical lie
Made up in my mind
I'm the darling dear that should get a grip. And I'm making lyrical lies. Poetry is fun.