Last post of the year!! omg. a new year. new new. year. 08. isnt that strange? our calendar is really peculiar. Now. usually i make alot of new years vows and whatnot, but ive decided that im not gonna do that this year. because 1) you never fulfill whatever you promise, and if you happen to succeed you end up with something you never really wanted from the beginning (like when i made a vow to work out more and harder and not eat sweets and unhealthy stuff, i ended up with anorexia) 2) for most part, the vows just make you feel bad about yourself, that you're a lousy, shitty person who's so useless cause you cant fulfill your vows.
I can say this though. This year, my self-confindence will improve, I am who I am, I don't need anyone else's approval. If im not good enough for people, well then im not, sorry. and im not gonna wait around for things to happen, or wait cause someone cant keep up, im gonna have fun. i can also say another thing. this coming year im turning 18. and that party is gonna be a hell of a party. a piece of heaven. the third thing is. deppressiveness is part of me so it will never be completely off the agenda. but sometimes she says, "i wish i was happier". so what makes people happy?? hey, people should vow to be more happy, not to work out harder.
Seen this room and walked this floor...
From lostprophets "can't catch tomorrow":
A little piece of me grows old
I keep on walking down this road
I've seen a million people change
But I won't stay the same
A new year. New possibilities. Well. Everyday is a new possibility. So go out change something for the better. attitude maybe. or perspective. is that person you hate really as horrible as you'd like to think? i dont think so. bend the rules, create your own, and for goddess sake, live outside the fucking box. face your fears and grow for once. look into the crystal, what do you see?
From Fall Out Boy's "Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends":
Strike us like matches, cause everyone deserves the flames
We only do it for the scars and stories, not the fame
At least everyone is trying, everyone is shining
Everyone deserves the flames but it's such a shame
Such a shame
Well I dunno what will happen tonight, i feel kinda off. i wanted more heaven but they had run out. får klara mej på champagne, men det är inte fel. like only one person i know at that party. gosh. yeah well, now im gonna get into the shower and feel the water droplets trickling down my skin. have a great new start of the year, cause i will have the awesomeliest time in Uppsala!!! :D perfect beginning of a new year ^^ See you 2008 guys!!