What do you need
So it's complicated and I can't really tell anyone about this, because I feel whiny and stupid but I'm VERY confused at the moment. Emotionally challenged I presume. So, one guy with pretty eyes and potential leaves - there could have been something but now I might never know. Another guy, with a fucked up history arrives - there has been something there and might still be. At least leftovers. Or? I actually don't know anything of this, it just feeeels that way. Fuck feelings right. Then there is this mysterious one who has been sometimes in the center, sometimes on the outskirts, but he keeps coming back but it doesn't seem to be leading anywhere although I sometimes hope it will. That thing needs more time. Then there is the fresh start: First date on Wednesday. My heart tells me I already know which one I want. My head tells me to go with the fresh start and hope it'll be good. But a previous fresh start attempt I had didn't end very well - so that is definitely scary. Anyway, I've not really been dating like this ever, so I'm having a lot of fun! Maybe dating is a biproduct of watching too much SATC. Hm...