
lita aldrig på någon

och han berättade för honom, som om jag någonsin kommer säga något mer till någon av dem, kommer aldrig lita på någon av dem igen. kommer inte gå dit igen. bryr mig inte längre. orkar inte. de är svin. kan inte ens tro på att han berätta för honom. vilket svin. aldrig aldrig mer. hejdå.


Big Bang

Born alone, die alone - the tragic human condition

Almost got a starfish hooked on cocaine

Couldn't find you guys so went out and bought six new friends (6-pack of beers). Sadly, three of them are dead.

Careful, not too much downie, you know that if my clothes are too soft it makes me sleepy.

Mrs Cooper: Maybe the reason you're having a hard time finding a bloke to settle down with is because you let them ride the roller coaster without buying a ticket?
Penny: Oh, they don't always get to ride the roller coaster, sometimes they only get to spin the tea cups.

I could write more enlightening things about the universe on a nursery wall with my diaper.

Is it possible your foul mood, or to use the clinical term, bitchiness...

By not overthinking, the less intelligent handle emotions better.

Hey God, whazzup. I'm good but it would be great for my family if you could help my brother stop cooking meth.


In my veins

"The last mosquito that bit me had to check into the Betty Ford clinic."

Get through? you've absolved yourself of responsibility. You live from self-induced crisis to self-induced crisis.


Who made you the master?


best song right now.


Two Smoking Barrels

He's just an asshole and I can't really see why I was attracted to him... Well, I see it, but don't want to acknowledge it. Anyway. Nothing is ever going to happen and I just have to stop reading things into what he does and says, nothing good can come out of that. It's me building stuff up in my head and then getting heartbroken over reality. It's just not happening again. Please, it cannot happen again. Reality is, he is not interested, no matter how cute he can be. Why do I have such a hard time living in reality. Why do I want to believe that some looks and some words mean more. They don't. Stop trying to convince yourself otherwise. It's not true. It's not real. The worst part is, I don't really want him, now because of rejection I'm just mad because he doesn't want me, I want retribution, revenge. I want him to want me just because he doesn't. It has nothing to do with feelings. Just inferiority and insecurity. Which is so ridiculous, honestly. Shut up. Go to bed, keep your head down, study hard, down your pints, and it's all going to be fine. You'll end up in the real world some day.


Was this over before it ever began?

Was this over before
Before it ever began
Your kiss
Your calls
Your crutch
Like the devils got your hand
This was over before
Before it ever began
Your lips
Your lies
Your lust
Like the devils in your hands

Everyone in this town
Is seeing somebody else
Everybody's tired of someone
Our eyes wander for help
Prayers that need no answer now
I'm tired of who I am
You were my greatest mistake
I fell in love with your sin
Your littlest sin



A place is only as good as the people you know there

You can't ruin a friendship with sex, that's like ruining ice cream with chocolate sprinkles


And so on.

just feel so incredibly lonely. just want someone to hold me, cuddle me, take care of me. so down and moody. have a cold, fever, no energy, tired. just want to crawl into bed and drown beneath the covers. Autumn Depression. Like the leaves I'm withering.


It Wasn't Me

i wish i was more patient. could wait for things to unravel by themselves. not have to push and pull and make a fool. make a mess. provoke. tensions. potential disaster. drink too much and just go insane. sooner or later im ending up in a mental facility. humiliation is free. i was stone drunk, it isn't clear. it doesn't count, cause i don't care. the years transform my memories. haze and blur and disappears. will this be a haze eventually too?