>>You like DMD (??), Audrey Hepburn, fangoria (??), Harry Houdini and Cocaine. You can't swim, you can't dance and you don't know karate. Face it! You're never gonna make it!>>
>>I don't wanna make it! I just want...>>
If you ever felt...
Be prepared to feel...
I just felt so at home. Sorry. Now I'm gonna write something serious. Peter Petrelli came from the future, to give a dying man the chance to see Manhattan from above. He flew.
I don't believe in destiny. I think we want to believe in it cause it feels kinda nice if everything was decided and we just had to follow that, like if we were destined to save the world.. Scary, but still, you know where you belong, where you have to go. Sometimes it's just difficult to decide what to choose, and always looking back, wondering "what if I had chosen that instead.."
Colours and sounds and tastes are only in the mind. Signals interpreted by the brain. What would the world be like for us without our senses? I mean, if colour isn't really colour, it doesn't exist in such, only a signal in our mind, what would an apple look like? No black no white either, would it be like in the Matrix? Just a completely empty space, or non-space, sorry, where nothing existed, not even time and space, just a nothingness?
I love scents. I know I always talk about it, can't help it, it just doesn't cease to amaze me what effect it has on me.
Failing maths and doing good in french. Well my HL subjects are the ones that matter to me. I understand maths, I just hate the time-pressure.
I was supposed to write something I thought about. Yeah. This is kinda like a diary, yeah? But still not, cause I can't really write like everything here. I don't know why, it just feels like if people read it... yeah nevermind.. but it's like there are secret rules, like everyone knows about them, and they state kinda that you can't just say or do whatever. Cause all that will affect the world in some way. So I just can't say whatever I want here. Maybe that would complicate life and relationships in a very unnecessary way. Let's just let things be as they are, right.. I wont mess with it, or you... Promise..
Some things I don't tell anyone. Don't think I can.