
At the bottom of a plastic cup


"Baby, Come On"

She's a pretty girl
She's always falling down
And I think I just fell in love with her
But she won't ever remember, remember

And I can always find her
At the bottom of a plastic cup
Drowning in drunk sincerity
A sad and lonely girl

Quit crying your eyes out
Quit crying your eyes out, and baby come on
Isn't there something familiar about me?
The past is only the future with the lights on
Quit crying your eyes out, baby

And she said, "I think we're running out of alcohol
Tonight I hate this fucking town
And all my best friends will be the death of me
But they won't ever remember, remember

So please take me far away
Before I melt into the ground
And all my words get used against me"
You sad and lonely girl

Quit crying your eyes out
Quit crying your eyes out, and baby come on
Isn't there something familiar about me?
The past is only the future with the lights on
Quit crying your eyes out, baby

Quit crying your eyes out
Quit crying your eyes out, and baby come on
Isn't there something familiar about me?
The past is only the future with the lights on
Quit crying your eyes out
Isn't there something familiar about me?
Quit crying your eyes out
The past is only the future with the lights on
So quit crying your eyes out, baby

Opinion column being ugly duckling. Sommetimes I feel. Then I starve. Tired of games. Why don't people ask. Don't you want to come in, come along? Sometimes I don't feel. I just wanna be nice. Want everyone to be happy, if I can make someone happy, that's the best sensation I know. Sometimes there's just too much tramisghet, I mean it's fun and all that, but sometimes it's too much. You need both. You need the fun as much as the closeness you can get in a serious discussion. But sometimes words are just too much. Am I insecure or something? I just wanna hug everyone all the time.

Argh. Scents make me so weak. Knäsvag. Certain scents trigger back memories of feelings. And songs. Certain songs make me relive periods in my life when I listened to that music. Like Regina Spektor and Panic reminds me of when I started PDP. Songs from the O.C remember me of after christmas break. And Want a lover I don't have to love remember me of when I was just really destructive and messed up everything.

To be or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

Skådespelets syfte att spegla samtiden: to hold as 'twere the mirror up to nature; to show virtue her feature, scorn her own image

Omg, omg, heroes is soooo goooooood...