I saw this sikh at the train station. He looked like some fairytale arabic sultan or something, with a large, purple turban and long, white beard. Strange thing was, when I looked at first, he was just standing there, gazing around, I closed my eyes for a moment, and when I looked again, he was gone. Disappeared in the blink of an eye. A borderline between fairytale and reality. Surely there was some reasonable explanation, but I choose to believe in the more magical one, makes life interesting. There was this other moment, I was biking around in Malmö and went past a church. Outside I saw a bride and her groom, standing there with a priest. Just the three of them, no guests, nothing. And that church is quite big. There I was, turned around, thought it was a kinda private moment. Just an ordinary day for me, a very special for them, and I got a glance into their lives.
First real wushu training today. It's amazing. The sifu is amazing. You are so exhausted after training it's insane. I could barely walk home. As I did walk home, I looked into peoples' eyes. Emptiness. They were like robots walking along. An old couple stopped outside a shop, looked at the chocolates disrtibuted in the window, turned away and continued walking along. Just dull emptiness. Taking their routine walk, at the same time every day. You could see it, like they had scheduled this walk, and just did it for the sake o following ett inrutat schema. Tragiskt hur vissa människor bara ger upp sina ambitioner, ger upp livsglädjen och blir bittra och instängda. Hallå, kom ut lite istället, bjud på er själva! Carpe diem, som ara säger.
Maths is kinda interesting now, cause I like algebra. I'm trying to be positive about it. Was at the economics lesson even though I don't take economics. It wasn't fun. Not my thing. I'm dreams and fairytales, not facts and statistics. I'm probably gonna be one of those eccentric, weird, old ladies with lots of cats, living by themselves, when I grow old. Gonna have like loads of Indian stuff, draperier och kuddar, ljus och rökelse överallt, lotusblommor flytande i stora skålar, mjuka mattor, stora, mysko växter, massa fruktskålar och oljelampor, ljuslyktor i taket, värmeljus överallt. Warm, cuddly and fairytale-like.
I like collecting moments, like watching people and how they behave in different situations, how they expect you to respond. I wish I could put more smiles on peoples' faces. Take away the emptiness, help them fill their lives with meaning.
Mamma o Tore ska skiljas. Det som jag inte kunde säga innan. Men ja. Bäst så antar jag. Såg Tore gråta för första gången någonsin. Tänk er att jag bott med honom i 16 år och inte sett honom gråta någon gång. I alla fall. Var och tränade med mum på gymmet i Y. Nice, nice. Detta var sändagen då alltså. Sen hem till hennes nya lya, ett ställe hon lånar av nån. Jag hade mini-spa med spirulina o rosmarin bad (hehe, alger i badet är fett nice), ansiktsmask och bodyscrub. So härligt. Hade det jättetrevligt med mamma o S senare, käkade lite, satt och pratade ute på den vackra uteplatsen, skrattade tills magen gjorde ont. Det är härliga stunder.
Vill träffa Sara för en fika i veckan, måste ringa.