Heroes is sooo good. :D Glad att det började på "normal" tv, så jag kan se det. Hiro är bäst! :D Asball. Watching it made me wanna start drawing manga again, cause it's like comics-inspirated.
I don't know what I feel or want. Or think. Feel my fingers typing, moving over the keyboard, seeing the words, know they will be out there, for everyone to read. There was a time when I wanted to hide, I didn't want anyone to notice me, or know me. I became a ghost. Then I got so depressed (understatement) cause of the lack of love and companionship. So I tried another path. I wanted to be loved. By everyone. Be seen and popular and stuff. I messed up, got the wrong kind of attention, it all turned so negative. (Reminded me that I can put up the Sherpa's speech now) Anyways, negative is the keyword. Many still dislike me today for that, everything I've done, and everything that happened. Now I don't know where I stand. I don't want either. I want to write. I want to read. I want to draw.
The Sherpa's speech:
The Earth is moving. Did you feel that? Everything. All the time. Dimensions we can't even see. Everything is evolving. Turtle, you're a dove.
Turtle: That's cool. Can I hit that, Sherp? Thanks.
Eric: You afraid of getting busted?
The Sherpa: Busted? I'm entrusted, man. I don't steal. I heal. We're not getting stoned. We're getting honed. My probation officer's one of my best customers. I'm a prisoner. I'm a prisoner of, uh, war. War on drugs. It's all so negative, man. I mean, the Man's most positive positive-tive is a nega-tive. It's a mega-nega-tive. Right? [shouts] Viking Quest! Let them be low. We are getting high. We're not getting fucked down. We're getting fucked up.
Pure love on that one. Nightie, Sherp!