This is the last week I'm 17. This is the last Tuesday I'm 17.
So much planning to do for the amazing weekend, but right now I just need to sleep.
Awesome happiness-weekend with S. Sun-bathing, out with the boat, swimming in the ocean, BBQ party... And this weekend is make-up store, Tivoli, and huge kick-ass birthday party!! So excited about everything.
And school and work going well. I'm happy!!
My OP in Swedish is gonna be about alcohol, kinda funny huh.
Sometimes there's just butterflies.
I love the feeling of that.
And sunshine on my shoulders.
Makes me happy.
Sunshine, almost always...
And the surprise we're planning for the party is gonna be so much fun!!
Can't wait!!
All these dreams.
Take hold of me
out in the universe, head spinning among stars
all the love songs ever written
music for...
Happy time. Sugar high, chocolate friendly. Coffee-free.
Sing star.
Time travelling.
Living in a multiverse.