
Conscious wastedness on weekends

Alkoholen är bedövningsmedlet som tar oss genom livets operation.
- George Bernard Shaw

Writing about alcohol for my swedish presentation and I'm having such a good time.

Life's a waste of time, time's a waste of life so let's all get wasted and have the time of our life!!

Found some hilarious pictures, hope people will enjoy my presentation as much as I will. It's not serious at all, basically just crap, but I love it.

the intoxicating power of wine

freeing one from one's normal self, by madness, ecstasy, or wine

the divine mission of Dionysus was to mingle the music of the aulos and to bring an end to care and worry

the constant romanticism surrounding alcohol fascinates me. even though i lived through some pretty bad times, problems cause by alcohol, i still see drinking in a romantic light. i dont hide it. on the contrary, i love to show off that hey, i love to drink till im belligerent. how mature is that for starters. not at all i would say. still i know loads of people, many of them adults, who just love to get wasted. it's a cultural movement, the conscious wastedness on weekends. drunkenness is not only the perfect excuse to behave like a three-year old, if you do something really embarrassing, you can just say you dont remember it. name a better place to meet new interesting fun people than at parties. name a better way to have a really good laugh at everyone (including yourself) for being downright stupid and crazy.
i will always live in la vie bohème. hating convention and pretension. TO ABSOLUTE! gosh it's good. and keep loving the wild life. cause thats how life should be lived. crazy. no ties. free. traveling. space&time. gazing at the stars in highness, wondering who made this perfect universe, deep midnight discussions, sensing the numbness spreading, euphoria. and make the same goddamn promise every painful morning - "I will never ever drink again".