RULES!! ;D And Patrick ofcourse <3 såg långfilmen nu i helgen. helt underbart. fan bästa filmen jag sett i år!!
"den är diabolisk, den är ondskefull, den är... citrondoftande!"
"hallå? såg ni min stjärtflagga?"
"jag har bubblor, kul på fester!"
Plankton: "sen ska jag ta över vääärldeeen!! mwahaha!!" (tystnad) Svampbob: "jaha, lycka till med det."
"pottan, vi dyrkar en dansande jordnöt..."
Man är den man är. Är man en barnunge så är man.
Svampbob är iallafall bäst.
I'm so upp for silly flumm movies right now, even chickflicks (ansga!! var är du?!)
Saw The perfect man with hilary duff. even if i kinda despise her to the end of the world, i still liked the movie. and i liked the fact that she was a blogger in it, and that the guy she fell in love with was a seth-like comic geek. loved the artwork "he" made, the comics he drew about her. so cute. i'd love to go to a comic book convention, any time. speaking of sethys, when i was waitressing this afternoon (yes, ive been working all weekend) there was this seth-lookalike at one of the tables. i was like OH MY GOSH xD so hilarious, i took care of all their orders hehe. seth would be like the ideal boyfriend.
i really miss the oc. have to start watch the old episodes again...
you get so off when you're out here.
out and cut off.
and tomorrow is a long trainride. my schedule has never been more fullybooked than now.
just as a reminder of my shallow plasticness and ultra-shopaholic needs im gonna make a list of the most urgent things i need to purchase. ok.
cell phone. sport bag. Diorshow Blackout Mascara. Mac book. iPod speakers.
That's about it folks. and i hope i'll have money for ipod speakers and a new computer by the end of summer when i get my paychecks. for now i'll have to scrape what i have for a cell phone, since my dad is so angry with me for "loosing" this one.
"and to all you bloggers out there with single mums, give the old lady a break, she's doing the best she can."