Yes, I'm obsessed with forgiveness. Two deep-talks today actually made me more centered, made me realize things. As I always do when I have to talk about it.
"True, deep forgiveness accesses the recognition that all humans, however terrible or hurtful their actions, exist with basic goodness. This realization can transcend into an acknowledgement that we are all intertwined as part of a greater whole, and when we forgive someone else we are forgiving another part of ourselves." (yogajournal)
our repetitive existence is like breathing in the air we just breathed out. the pain that gives birth to poetry. truly good poetry has its most fertile soil in angst.
the eternal questions of human existence. processed over and over.
"att känna hjärtat svälta i ensamhet"
"den väg du går allena för bort från dig själv"
every great author has explored the questions and not gotten any closer to an answer. cynical humor, despair, rage, acceptance, all of them are shields, a curtain covering what it really is. a way to deal with it. It's all the same. so what's the point of joining this parade? what can i contribute that not everyone already has thought, said and done?
take me to the top tonight, make your body mine. hardstyle makes my entire body vibrate with pleasure. pleasure by association. and i feel that insatiable hunger... i almost contacted a contact. to satisfy. and then there's that too. and should i do it? i dont know, should i? back to the first thing: i need it. beautiful dreams.
today was like a year. not that it was long and boring, but alot happened, i talked to alot of people, thought of alot of stuff... and it was just a normal school-day. think. ba-da-da-pa-da I'm lovin it. ;)