"Heja Eslöv! (Nej jag är inte från Eslöv, det är från en film. En legendarisk replik. Kan ni inte den borde ni bli förbjudna att ens yttra er över huvud taget)."
Europeiska stater kommer med stor sannolikhet att klara sina omfattande finansieringsbehov på kort sikt, även om det i vissa fall sker till priset av en mycket hög ränta.
Ta med giraffen så går vi på tonga tonga!
AAAh confusion. Bar crawl tomorrow might bring more light. Or?
Things on my mind
‘‘fight, them, beat, them, and make them democratic’’
Our creation too has been perverted.
"Det är ju helt jävla sinnessjukt att du inte fattar handlingen i "lilla sjöjungfrun"... du måste vara helt efterbliven"
SD: "Jag tror att vi denna gången lokalt lyckades attrahera även kvinnliga väljare. Det har vi alltid haft svårt för. Man kan bli deprimerad när man funderar över orsakerna till detta dystra faktum."
and the alleged authoritarian character of Islamic and especially Arab culture (Fish 2002).
whether, and if so when,regime change in a sovereign state should be engineered by force.
For many Latin American governments the greatest military threat has been from within rather than from neighbouring states.
Areas of the world where IGOs are few and weak are likely to lag in democracy without new and stronger organizations.
Do I like him or not?
Our creation too has been perverted.
"Det är ju helt jävla sinnessjukt att du inte fattar handlingen i "lilla sjöjungfrun"... du måste vara helt efterbliven"
SD: "Jag tror att vi denna gången lokalt lyckades attrahera även kvinnliga väljare. Det har vi alltid haft svårt för. Man kan bli deprimerad när man funderar över orsakerna till detta dystra faktum."
and the alleged authoritarian character of Islamic and especially Arab culture (Fish 2002).
whether, and if so when,regime change in a sovereign state should be engineered by force.
For many Latin American governments the greatest military threat has been from within rather than from neighbouring states.
Areas of the world where IGOs are few and weak are likely to lag in democracy without new and stronger organizations.
Do I like him or not?
Snurrar i min skalle
White russian i kaffemaskinen. T9 inställt på turkiska. Man utanför EH i Lund som sätter fingret i fontänen så att det sprutar vatten på EH's dörr. Helt random. Viggo's diskussioner om sjuka fylleminnen. Rödvinskonversation om politik i fin lägenhet. Det snurrar i min skalle på balkongen. Köpa cigg, nån bonne frågar efter pall mall [skånskt uttal]. Hem till familjen Lindskog, i bilen pratas det om kåthet och sex och pojkvänner. Hur är man trogen egentligen? Kall pizza, musik, och några lådor vin. Sen sätts musiken på och då börjar mayhem i form av GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS!!!! allo allo allo... Malin och Victoria jagar runt varandra med soffkuddar, ligger på golvet, springer med höga knän, allt i en slags komisk stumfilmsparodi. Cigg på verandan, diskussioner om aggressivt sex och snygga killar. Sen, aningen packade, bär det av till Spisen. kommer fram, inser att jag har glömt leg hemma, drar med J i taxi för att hämta leg, sitter tydligen och sjunger högljutt i taxin. kommer tillbaka, in på spisen, "Jag är törstig. Jag vill ha öl" Fylleargument om att man ska ta drickan ifrån mig om jag beställer mer, men att man ska låta mig dricka om jag är törstig. Degus eller vad han hette anländer, han är kung. hans syrra va också där men jag kommer inte ihåg vad hon hette. fyllan eskalerar, några luckor där tills vi går på efterfest hos degus eller diego eller va han hette. vitt vin i soffan, cigg inomhus, konstig musik, lite hångel, sen dök en joint up. då ville magda gå hem, så då gjorde vi det. det var nog ganska bra. var hemma 5 kanske. lagom.
dagen efter är bland det roligaste jag varit med om. vaknar full som en sjökapten och börjar direkt fula mig och få magda till tårar. "Man vet att man haft en bra fylla när man..."
- inte kan öppna en dörr, eller stänga den, dagen efter.
- häller isvatten mellan sina bröst, helt oavsiktligt.
- snubblar på kattmat.
- pratar om kameltår och white russians.
- hittar vinglas på lite olika ställen, typ bredvid toastolen.
- somnar på ett lakan fullt med rödvin.
- enda sättet att få någon att dricka bakispiller är att säga "SKÅL!"
dagen efter är bland det roligaste jag varit med om. vaknar full som en sjökapten och börjar direkt fula mig och få magda till tårar. "Man vet att man haft en bra fylla när man..."
- inte kan öppna en dörr, eller stänga den, dagen efter.
- häller isvatten mellan sina bröst, helt oavsiktligt.
- snubblar på kattmat.
- pratar om kameltår och white russians.
- hittar vinglas på lite olika ställen, typ bredvid toastolen.
- somnar på ett lakan fullt med rödvin.
- enda sättet att få någon att dricka bakispiller är att säga "SKÅL!"
A pocket full of rye
Lately I've been hard to reach
I've been too long on my own
Everybody has a private world
Where they can be alone
Are you calling me, are you trying to get through
Are you reaching out for me, I'm reaching out for you
(Beautiful, Eminem)
I've been too long on my own
Everybody has a private world
Where they can be alone
Are you calling me, are you trying to get through
Are you reaching out for me, I'm reaching out for you
(Beautiful, Eminem)
Beyond hell, above heaven
"...surely you and everybody have a notion that there is, or should be, an existence of yours beyond you. What were the use of my creation if I were entirely contained here? My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff's miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning; my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and, if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the Universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem part of it" (Ch. ix, p. 64).
Just finished reading Wuthering Heights. Earth shattering love in all honor, but what good did it do? And wherein lies the blame, which wretched character was responsible for the abstinence of love and the prevailing of misery?
The only warmth that fills my heart is the warm tea that I keep drinking at night.
Just finished reading Wuthering Heights. Earth shattering love in all honor, but what good did it do? And wherein lies the blame, which wretched character was responsible for the abstinence of love and the prevailing of misery?
The only warmth that fills my heart is the warm tea that I keep drinking at night.
Kiss the way we were goodbye
All you pretty people stand there
Blood under your nails,
Doing nothing, saying something
Never seems to fail
But our guards are down, defenseless
And our walls have cracked
So my heart is beating faster
Than a heart attack
Kiss the way we were goodbye
Goodbye and farewell
First we live but then we die,
Goodbye, goodbye...
So they whisper secrets to you
That I know you hear
All the thoughts that rush inside you,
Never seemed so clear
You should write a book about it
You should start a war
You should tear your eyes out of you
As they look for more
Kiss the way we were goodbye
Goodbye and farewell
First we live but then we die,
We die, oh, ooh...
Pretty people standing by
We play, we pretend
And we try and act surprised
As we watch the world end...
All you pretty people look at me
All you pretty people stare at me
But our guards are down, defenceless
And our walls have cracked
So my heart is beating faster
Than a heart attack...
Heart attack...(x3)
Kiss the way we were goodbye
Goodbye and farewell
First we live but then we die,
We die, oh, ooh...
Pretty people standing by
We play, we pretend
And we try and act surprised
As we watch the world end...
Kiss the way we were goodbye,
Goodbye, goodbye...(x3)
Kiss the way we were goodbye,
As we watch the world die...
(Low VS Diamond)
Blood under your nails,
Doing nothing, saying something
Never seems to fail
But our guards are down, defenseless
And our walls have cracked
So my heart is beating faster
Than a heart attack
Kiss the way we were goodbye
Goodbye and farewell
First we live but then we die,
Goodbye, goodbye...
So they whisper secrets to you
That I know you hear
All the thoughts that rush inside you,
Never seemed so clear
You should write a book about it
You should start a war
You should tear your eyes out of you
As they look for more
Kiss the way we were goodbye
Goodbye and farewell
First we live but then we die,
We die, oh, ooh...
Pretty people standing by
We play, we pretend
And we try and act surprised
As we watch the world end...
All you pretty people look at me
All you pretty people stare at me
But our guards are down, defenceless
And our walls have cracked
So my heart is beating faster
Than a heart attack...
Heart attack...(x3)
Kiss the way we were goodbye
Goodbye and farewell
First we live but then we die,
We die, oh, ooh...
Pretty people standing by
We play, we pretend
And we try and act surprised
As we watch the world end...
Kiss the way we were goodbye,
Goodbye, goodbye...(x3)
Kiss the way we were goodbye,
As we watch the world die...
(Low VS Diamond)
3 songs that saved my life
Heartbeats - José Gonzales
This song changed my life. And keeps on changing my life whenever I find my way back to it. Works in any aspect of your life. Gives as much comfort as pain. THE perfect song. And it has indeed saved me, time and time again.
Yellow Angels - Senses Fail
Listen to this when you are unbearably sad. When you miss someone so much it hurts. It will make you cry even harder, curl into a small bundle, make you float towards heaven and make you feel better. "I've said goodbye so many times in my life..."
Running up that hill - Placebo
A weird cover, that I stumbled upon by accident, years after actually "discovering" Placebo (which is a band with some really awesome songs) while watching stupid FFX videos. It got linked with that whole tragic storyline and whooop I was completely lost to its magic. This song is me.
This song changed my life. And keeps on changing my life whenever I find my way back to it. Works in any aspect of your life. Gives as much comfort as pain. THE perfect song. And it has indeed saved me, time and time again.
Yellow Angels - Senses Fail
Listen to this when you are unbearably sad. When you miss someone so much it hurts. It will make you cry even harder, curl into a small bundle, make you float towards heaven and make you feel better. "I've said goodbye so many times in my life..."
Running up that hill - Placebo
A weird cover, that I stumbled upon by accident, years after actually "discovering" Placebo (which is a band with some really awesome songs) while watching stupid FFX videos. It got linked with that whole tragic storyline and whooop I was completely lost to its magic. This song is me.
Ephemeral truths
remember that the past is a lie, that memory has no return, that every spring gone by can never be recovered, and that the wildest and most tenacious love is an ephemeral truth in the end
(gabriel garcía márquez)
The street lights shone with a light that I’ve only seen when under the influence of mushrooms with healing powers. A light that shines right through you and touches on something eternal; a light that is a balm for the restless soul, a light that tells you things that you won’t remember when you wake up from a vivid dream one morning and realize that your veins are not pulsating with a faint green light. I just wanted to love myself, and right then and there, I did. That was why I hoped it would last. Only time can tell if it will.
Humans have always had a complicated relationship with time. It’s like the story about the hen and the egg, the phoenix and the flame; what came first, human or time? Only one thing can be speculated about; time wasn’t measured before humans came along and wanted to put a name tag on everything. What happened to light and dark – now we lead our lives after a system of hours, minutes and seconds. And it can take only 1/1000 of a second to die. Maybe that is why the relationship is so complicated.
(emma aili junno)
(gabriel garcía márquez)
The street lights shone with a light that I’ve only seen when under the influence of mushrooms with healing powers. A light that shines right through you and touches on something eternal; a light that is a balm for the restless soul, a light that tells you things that you won’t remember when you wake up from a vivid dream one morning and realize that your veins are not pulsating with a faint green light. I just wanted to love myself, and right then and there, I did. That was why I hoped it would last. Only time can tell if it will.
Humans have always had a complicated relationship with time. It’s like the story about the hen and the egg, the phoenix and the flame; what came first, human or time? Only one thing can be speculated about; time wasn’t measured before humans came along and wanted to put a name tag on everything. What happened to light and dark – now we lead our lives after a system of hours, minutes and seconds. And it can take only 1/1000 of a second to die. Maybe that is why the relationship is so complicated.
(emma aili junno)
Caspian & King Peter
Russel Brand. Ben Barnes.
The House Bunny. Deluxe Dubstep. Wuthering Heights.
It's always sunny in philadelphia. Edith Piaf.
A pocket full of Rye. One hundred years of solitude.
Menthol cigarettes as a way of socializing.
Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points. International liberalist.
Norman Angell - precursor to interdependence theorists.
Narnia's Prince Caspian. Gilmore Girls.
Grown Ups - gathering of humor elite.
Studying. Driving. Working out.
The House Bunny. Deluxe Dubstep. Wuthering Heights.
It's always sunny in philadelphia. Edith Piaf.
A pocket full of Rye. One hundred years of solitude.
Menthol cigarettes as a way of socializing.
Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points. International liberalist.
Norman Angell - precursor to interdependence theorists.
Narnia's Prince Caspian. Gilmore Girls.
Grown Ups - gathering of humor elite.
Studying. Driving. Working out.
Dubstep & Hardstyle
Guy no1. I go to the gym so I can build up strength and beat the crap out of him when he tries some shit when he’s drunk. He’s always fighting when he’s drunk; he’s always confessing when he’s drunk. If he tries to fight and beat the crap out of me, I want to give back. Then he has no one but himself to blame. Also, I want to show him I can be fit and not just the slob that he’s always known me as. “She doesn’t eat.” “Well, it doesn’t show.” It annoys me that he doesn’t stay in touch – I have this need of hearing from him every now and then. I need to know he still sees something in me, because he was the first person who ever loved me, who would have done anything for me. I have this need to toy with him, which I had no idea of until I said it out loud. A bad person that might make me, but I love to drag him back and forth, play a game. But I love him, I really do.
Guy no2. I go to the gym so I can become fit like the girls he is always talking about. The ones with super fit bodies, tight as hell. I want to be tight as hell. Maybe I will never be, but this way, I’ll be tighter. It annoys me that he doesn’t stay in touch – did I really mean nothing to him? Or is it because I knew of his darkest secrets? Does he still think I have a crush on him? Strange way for me to show it, were that the case, by not talking to him at all. Mostly, I just feel angry at him. He’s a jerk, a fucking twat, if he fucking thinks I would want someone like him. I just want his friendship. But obviously, he’s too busy to give it. Egocentric wanker.
Mostly, I go to the gym for myself, for better confidence, to look fit while feeling like a million. I hope this will continue, even after I lose my PT Patsy Stone.
Guy no2. I go to the gym so I can become fit like the girls he is always talking about. The ones with super fit bodies, tight as hell. I want to be tight as hell. Maybe I will never be, but this way, I’ll be tighter. It annoys me that he doesn’t stay in touch – did I really mean nothing to him? Or is it because I knew of his darkest secrets? Does he still think I have a crush on him? Strange way for me to show it, were that the case, by not talking to him at all. Mostly, I just feel angry at him. He’s a jerk, a fucking twat, if he fucking thinks I would want someone like him. I just want his friendship. But obviously, he’s too busy to give it. Egocentric wanker.
Mostly, I go to the gym for myself, for better confidence, to look fit while feeling like a million. I hope this will continue, even after I lose my PT Patsy Stone.
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