remember that the past is a lie, that memory has no return, that every spring gone by can never be recovered, and that the wildest and most tenacious love is an ephemeral truth in the end
(gabriel garcía márquez)
The street lights shone with a light that I’ve only seen when under the influence of mushrooms with healing powers. A light that shines right through you and touches on something eternal; a light that is a balm for the restless soul, a light that tells you things that you won’t remember when you wake up from a vivid dream one morning and realize that your veins are not pulsating with a faint green light. I just wanted to love myself, and right then and there, I did. That was why I hoped it would last. Only time can tell if it will.
Humans have always had a complicated relationship with time. It’s like the story about the hen and the egg, the phoenix and the flame; what came first, human or time? Only one thing can be speculated about; time wasn’t measured before humans came along and wanted to put a name tag on everything. What happened to light and dark – now we lead our lives after a system of hours, minutes and seconds. And it can take only 1/1000 of a second to die. Maybe that is why the relationship is so complicated.
(emma aili junno)