‘‘fight, them, beat, them, and make them democratic’’
Our creation too has been perverted.
"Det är ju helt jävla sinnessjukt att du inte fattar handlingen i "lilla sjöjungfrun"... du måste vara helt efterbliven"
SD: "Jag tror att vi denna gången lokalt lyckades attrahera även kvinnliga väljare. Det har vi alltid haft svårt för. Man kan bli deprimerad när man funderar över orsakerna till detta dystra faktum."
and the alleged authoritarian character of Islamic and especially Arab culture (Fish 2002).
whether, and if so when,regime change in a sovereign state should be engineered by force.
For many Latin American governments the greatest military threat has been from within rather than from neighbouring states.
Areas of the world where IGOs are few and weak are likely to lag in democracy without new and stronger organizations.
Do I like him or not?