I really hate planning. Where you're supposed to go and being on time...
Well this week is just so full of things to do and places to be...
And I just love My Chemical Romance. Away with all the clichés, I don't give a fuck for their popularity right now, the emo wave taking over.. I like them anyways.
Please you just gotta listen to this one.
Helena lyrics, My Chemical Romance
Long ago
Just like the hearse you die to get in again
We are so far from you
Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate
The lives of everyone you know
And what's the worst you take (worst you take)
from every heart you break (heart you break)
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well I've been holding on tonight
What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
Came a time
When every star fall brought you to tears again
We are the very hurt you sold
And what's the worst you take (worst you take)
from every heart you break (heart you break)
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well I've been holding on tonight
What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
Can you hear me?
Are you near me?
Can we pretend to leave and then
We'll meet again
When both our cars collide?
What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
Oh my goddess. I'm just stunned, no words. This is beyond what can be written down, something like ancient magic, mysterious, can't be explained. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I wont say anything about the plot here cause I know that could spoil the amazing reading experience for those who haven't read it yet. Amazing is not enough, lack of words.
I've never felt this copmplete, the circle has come full end. A bittersweet farewell to the wizard I grew up with, to the world I love. Well it isn't really goodbye after all, I can return whenever I want, but it's just so sad that there wont be more books to wait for.
I've only just finished it, had some distractions. And also been feeling ill so I just had to sleep, lost my concentration and collapsed. Have to reread it now, to let it all sink in.
Just have to say, few of the deaths served a purpose, most of them just seemed like Rowling killing off people to make the sacrifice even greater.
And two of the characters redeemed themselves in my eyes. Thank you Rowling, I knew I could trust that.
A maze, a magical web of several plots and sub-plots, so much revealed, but given out slowly. Answers handed out like candy, one caramel at a time, slowly savouring it before you got the next one. But many new things revealed as well, I cried out in shock more than once. And new plots. And new characters. And... well the book is just crammed.
Many surprises but still many rumours come true. I didn't like that really, cause you where kinda prepared when you read it, it was like Rowling nodding to all crazy fans out there making up all the crazy rumours.
Vissa delar låg man bara och vred sig av ångest, andra var adrenalinfyllda, nail-biting. Some safe havens and laughs as well. And a wedding! And many beautiful patronuses. Ibland kändes det som om Rowling försökte för mycket, three failed missions, that didn't lead anywhere really. Or guess they did, but still. En deserterar men återvänder, vilket var lite lame, men antagligen expected. Jag tyckte inte Voldie gav samma känsla om tidigare, han måste ha slappat med sin Legilimens, men kan inte säga mycket mer å hans vägnar utan att give away too much. Alla gamla ställen som varit med tidigare återbesöktes, fick en använding, alla karaktärer återses, de får sin wrapping up. Men att Voldie och Snape vid en tidpunkt befinner sig i Shrieking Shack är bara skrattretande. Hey, det blev mycket campande avklarat!Det gillar vi. Och Kreacher reformed, a joy to see. Just as I'm writing this, more and more keeps coming to my mind, there's just too much. You're overwhelmed, you can't talk about it really, cause whatever you say, you're gonna miss so much and then remember what you missed later. SO. Advise to you all, for your own sakes, for all our sakes, for the sake of the muggle and wizarding world alike. Your souls need saving - READ HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS!
Måste som sagt läsa om, en del partier är fortfarande mysteriskt insvepta i ett moln av magi. Have to quote Rowling: "I've never felt such a mixture of extreme emotions in my life, never dreamed I could feel simultaneously heartbroken and euphoric."
It's over. It's all finished. I knew that ending was coming... I think I dreamt it once...
I've never felt this copmplete, the circle has come full end. A bittersweet farewell to the wizard I grew up with, to the world I love. Well it isn't really goodbye after all, I can return whenever I want, but it's just so sad that there wont be more books to wait for.
I've only just finished it, had some distractions. And also been feeling ill so I just had to sleep, lost my concentration and collapsed. Have to reread it now, to let it all sink in.
Just have to say, few of the deaths served a purpose, most of them just seemed like Rowling killing off people to make the sacrifice even greater.
And two of the characters redeemed themselves in my eyes. Thank you Rowling, I knew I could trust that.
A maze, a magical web of several plots and sub-plots, so much revealed, but given out slowly. Answers handed out like candy, one caramel at a time, slowly savouring it before you got the next one. But many new things revealed as well, I cried out in shock more than once. And new plots. And new characters. And... well the book is just crammed.
Many surprises but still many rumours come true. I didn't like that really, cause you where kinda prepared when you read it, it was like Rowling nodding to all crazy fans out there making up all the crazy rumours.
Vissa delar låg man bara och vred sig av ångest, andra var adrenalinfyllda, nail-biting. Some safe havens and laughs as well. And a wedding! And many beautiful patronuses. Ibland kändes det som om Rowling försökte för mycket, three failed missions, that didn't lead anywhere really. Or guess they did, but still. En deserterar men återvänder, vilket var lite lame, men antagligen expected. Jag tyckte inte Voldie gav samma känsla om tidigare, han måste ha slappat med sin Legilimens, men kan inte säga mycket mer å hans vägnar utan att give away too much. Alla gamla ställen som varit med tidigare återbesöktes, fick en använding, alla karaktärer återses, de får sin wrapping up. Men att Voldie och Snape vid en tidpunkt befinner sig i Shrieking Shack är bara skrattretande. Hey, det blev mycket campande avklarat!Det gillar vi. Och Kreacher reformed, a joy to see. Just as I'm writing this, more and more keeps coming to my mind, there's just too much. You're overwhelmed, you can't talk about it really, cause whatever you say, you're gonna miss so much and then remember what you missed later. SO. Advise to you all, for your own sakes, for all our sakes, for the sake of the muggle and wizarding world alike. Your souls need saving - READ HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS!
Måste som sagt läsa om, en del partier är fortfarande mysteriskt insvepta i ett moln av magi. Have to quote Rowling: "I've never felt such a mixture of extreme emotions in my life, never dreamed I could feel simultaneously heartbroken and euphoric."
It's over. It's all finished. I knew that ending was coming... I think I dreamt it once...
Never again karmic disaster

Read some stuff on yogajournal.com That site really makes sense. I'm gonna stop this behaviour, never again a karmic disaster. Kinda the sherpa episode in Entourage that gave me some inspiration aswell. You just gotta read some of the articles they have on yogajournal. So I'm gonna deepen my practice, jättelängesen som jag yogade sist. Men jag saknar det. Noticed that I had wandered off a little in my practice since I just focused on the physical part, but once you've developed the technique it becomes so much easier to go on to other stuff. Pranayama for example.
Yoga is pure bliss, when approched with the right state of mind, with the right attitude. No one's going to change that for you, you have to do the work for yourself. The yoga-teacher, however enlightened, can't do everything for you. You have to find your own enlightenment.
Jag vet ju hur jag vill att mitt liv ska vara. Varför sätter jag inte igång och ändrar det då? Lathet is one issue. Much easier to just go with the flow, just let the days pass, falla tillbaka på rutiner och invanda beteendemönster.
Jag har försökt "askes". Då var jag riktigt motiverad, hade extrem-kontroll. Men jag blev sjuk. Nu är det på andra hållet, har ingen själv-disciplin att tala om. Frågan är hur mycket som är hälsosamt. I've always had that issue with wanting to be able to control my thoughts, control the flow of mind-chatter and cut it off whenever needed.
I mean there are so many possible paths to take. Choosing is a difficult task. The important thing is to not only see the physical benefits, not only see to what can be seen on the outside. The inner state is so much more important, in everything you do. Hur du förhåller dig till saker och ting. Just try to imagine for a moment, "I'm part of this, all this. Everything I see around me is a reflection of self. Everything is ONE." That's one way to start working on the selfish side, and I really need that. Surrendering to a higher state.
The way you keep your mind determines the way you experience the world.
So my goals in all this, is to take up yoga practice again, and go veggie. On a quest to find that inner peace, a state of calm that I can lean back on whenever I need it. My problem is, I can't enjoy the work I have to do in order to reach the goal. I only see the goal, or saw, cause things are changing.
If I don't find a yoga studio I can go to, I'll just have to practice on my own, even if that's much more difficult than in a class with a teacher.
Whether you call it the Self or Buddha-nature, there is at your core something, an essence, that is effortlessly joyous, free, and utterly connected to all that is.
And the reason to go veggie - well see your body as made up from the food of the earth, see it as the soil that needs fertilizer. Would you feed it konstgjort halvfabrikat fullproppat med semi-kemikalier och läskiga substanser du inte ens kan uttala namnet på? Kolla in videon jag har i mitt allra första inlägg om du vill se hur det går till på slakthusen, hur djur behandlas. Kolla också in Sally Kempton's article on enlightenment, "fake it till you make it":
Just to reach that state, att hela tiden befinna sig in a state of freedom and ease, creativity and joy, full of inspiration and happiness...
Strand och Entourage

Quality time with kP. Nice just hanging on the beach, then watching some movies. Saw this awesome tvserie - Entourage, first season. It was amazingly good, loved it. That is the kind of life you want. Dude I just dig that Sherpa. Haha. Wait for the wonderful quotes, soon coming up.
Läste Damernas Värld. Amagad, when I have zero money I just find all this stuff I want.. Like ankelboots, so hot, wanted those for ages. And lackpumps from HM, really nice. Then I found some make-up.. hmhm.. always nice.. Like Dr Hauschka pure care cover stick, not to talk about a mascara from Deborah and lip gloss from Claudias. Jag gillar lite sådär halvkända namn, lite obskyra, annorlunda saker. Likadant med kläder, kommer det någon ny, okänd svensk designer blir jag superglad och rusar o shoppar kläder direkt. Eller ja, om jag har pengar till det. Just nu har jag 200kr. Det är allt. De kommer gå åt den nya Harry Potter boken. Och sen då? Vad ska jag leva på? Dags att skaffa jobb. Men nästa termin kommer bli hell. Not only homework and CAS, but also trying to handle a work. If I can manage to find one. Which I'm not the best at. I'll try. At least I'll be busy so I wont have to think too much about not having two of my best friends around.
Quote of the day: Dress to Kill!
Harry Potter!

Voldemort will never have what we have. Love and friendship. We got something else that he doesn't. Something to fight for.
Remix alert. And what are we holding on to Sam? That there is something good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.
The only thing for us to decide, is what to do with the time that is given to us.
There's wisdom and hope for men in movies, whether it's in the form of Gandalf or Dumbledore.
So. The movie was awesome. I think the best so far. Luna was excellent, and the Weasly twins' firework revenge felt so damn good. When Fudge finally realises - He's back! - I started clapping, haha, among the few realising what a hell of an opportunity to mock him that was.
Loved the emotions in this movie, I seriously thought Sirius was gonna say something about puberty when Harry pulls his "I'm ANGRY all the time!" Well, life Harry. You just have to deal with it, it will pass. And the angst and rage. Wanting to strangle that horrible woman every time she showed her (not-so-toadlike) face. "Tell them I mean no harm!" Weeeell "I must not tell lies!" In your face.
Längtar som in i helvete efter sjuan just nu.. Neither can live while the other survives...
When Voldie (now isn't that cute?) goes "You're so weak, you're so vulnerable...", I could just feel that to my bones, exactly what Harry must have been feeling. Is that always the curse of the good side? If you care for someone, if you love someone, that's going to be used as a weapon against you? And still, love seems to be the blessing of the good side, what keeps it together, gives a strong motivation.
The nature of Snape.. Well he's just an enigma. Can't solve that mystery. Good? Bad? Well, as Sirius says, the world isn't divided into only good people and Death Eaters, we all have a dark side and a good side, what matters is what we choose to act on. Whatever side he's on, he's still brilliant. Like when he tells Umbridge she used all the Veritaserum and suggests poisoning Harry..
I don't like Bonham. Hon blev en lite för fladdrig Bellatrix. Bellatrix is supposed to have heavy eyelids, I imagined someone somewhat more.. solid än henne.
Ronald, just because you got an emotional range as a teaspoon. Aouch. Well they're getting there. I just don't get why it takes six books for them to realise what everyone else could see since the first.
And Cho. Yeah I'm glad it didn't work out cause that means Ginny and Harry will hook up later. Kinda fun though that Ron iterprets her crying as Harry being a bad kisser. It didn't look that movie-good like, but he's ok I guess.
Lucius got more screen time. But he failed completely, even though it wasn't he who was supposed to smash the prophecy.
Att Sirius dör var inte lika dramatiskt som i boken. Jag menar, när jag läste det grät jag i timmar. När jag såg det på film tårades inte ens ögonen.
The battle scene in the end between Dumbly and Voldie was kinda lame. I still don't like the new Dumbledore. Richard Harris was Dumbledore incarnated.
Poor Trelawny. At least she could stay, but we never got to see Firenze teaching classes. Jag diggar kentaurerna som fan. Probably cause they fuck up Umbridge so she has to go to mental hospital later. But they can read stars as well, that's pretty cool.
Kinda long time since I read the fifth book. Well I'm not gonna do it, cause that Umbridge woman just upsets me too much. I think I'm gonna go for a reread of book six again.
Well now I gotta leave cause I have to read about master numbers in numerology and then get some sleep, much going on tomorrow.
Such a mess

So. Came across this website mocking emo. Since the rate of depressed people is increasing, so is the emo-culture. With all what it means. "It's not a fashion statement - it's a death wish". So how do we tell whether it's narcissistic drama queens (wemo, wannabe-emo) who are creating fake problems to make their lives the perfect tradgedy, attention-seeking, seduced by the darkness, the "oh-my-life-is-hell-everyone-hates-me-I-just-have-to-slit-my-wrists-to-feel-better" kind of people, or if it's a depression going on. First place - depressed people usually don't reach out. They die in silence, without giving people the chance to help them. Is life more interesting as a tradgedy?
Thanks G for sharing those lyrics anyways (The Outsider - A Perfect Circle)
A new disease some say. Somewhat like A Clockwork Orange, life isn't interesting enough, boring and grey, what to do? Hey, let's make it interesting - violence, sex and drugs, perfect solution. Instead, in this case, tell the world how hurt you are, how messed up you are, how wronged you feel. Revenge. Let's compare scars, I show you mine if you show me yours first. Get some black clothes, red and black make-up. Fashion statement or death wish? Hard to tell sometimes.
Judge me now. I don't know how to define it, hate definitions anyway.
All comes down to people wanting to be accepted. Either way, see yourself from a non-human perspective. What is all this crazyness about?
I live like a hermit in my own head

When you're feeling blue there's nothing better than Death Cab for Cutie.
"Marching Bands Of Manhattan"
If I could open my arms
And span the length of the isle of Manhattan,
I'd bring it to where you are
Making a lake of the East River and Hudson
If I could open my mouth
Wide enough for a marching band to march out
They would make your name sing
And bend through alleys and bounce off all the buildings.
I wish we could open our eyes
To see in all directions at the same time
Oh what a beautiful view
If you were never aware of what was around you
And it is true what you said
That I live like a hermit in my own head
But when the sun shines again
I'll pull the curtains and blinds to let the light in.
Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole
Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound
But while you debate half empty or half full
It slowly rises, your love is gonna drown [4x]
Your love is gonna drown [4x]
Your love is gonna...
It's my soul that needs saving

So give me all your poison
And give me all your pills
And give me all your hopeless hearts
And make me ill
If you find yourself ALONE
You can take my body but you can never take my freedom. I don't care about those things, it's my soul that needs saving. Why can't anyone see that? The most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time was the postcards you could get for free at Roskilde. Simple, white cards, with a black old-fashioned font saying "Hvor er du?". That's the fucking question. Where the hell are you? YOU. You who are gonna save me. Or is there even such a thing? Is it just Törnrosa-syndrome waiting round the corner? Waiting for the prince, THE ONE, the right one.
Baby there are no white horses, no shining armour.
Life bleeding on the floor.
Dude, I don't WANT to make it.
I'm not gonna be the one everyone expects me to be. From this point, you never know where you have me. I'm tired of trying so fucking hard. It's over.
If I want to be depressed, I want to.
The blood is just beautiful, perfectly sets the scene.
I don't fucking care. I'm never again "the good girl" alright. Kinda fucked that up when I got caught by the police for smoking pot. I'm just gonna do what feels right to me. Tired of HURTING PEOPLE. Why is it that I'm so good at it, so afraid of it, trying so hard not to but making it anyways?
I smoked a whole package of cigarettes that crazy Red Hot Saturday. Never smoked that much. I don't even like smoking. I was too drunk to care. But I don't care about that. Judge me if you feel so, I'm just tired of judgements, prisons, narrow-mindness. Whatever happens in the world, you gotta deal with it. You got a choice to make it a big thing. Right now, I got this feeling for brutal honesty. So let's make a second confession. Or let's not, cause my sex-life is kinda private, but you might be able to figure with me writing "the emptiness the day after". No, I didn't have sex with a complete stranger, only almost. But that doesn't matter, it didn't mean a shit. I just didn't care.
Not only brutal honesty, there's blood red make-up as well. Chromium lips and metallic eyes.
Is that just because you wanna look that way? I don't give a fuck for image. What is enchanting is the fact that you can actually make people see how you feel just by looking at you. Blood, blood, blood.
No wonder I'm messed up. But that's ok too. Since I am this way, what am I gonna do. Tried so many times to be something else, and found that those persons I've been, I've played, have never really been me. I'm gonna listen now.
Why is it always about being afraid to be alone? Left without friends.
Why is it about fearing emptiness?
Why am I so self-centered that I fail to truly see the world around me?
Want to be needed and loved.
She used to think about how alone people are. Why so isolated when really real close?
Solen i mina vänners liv tycks inte skina på mig. Här är det dov, hotfull åska som mullrar.
I'm not okay (I promise)
Back from the mud

Okeeeeej... what to say? phew
THAT was an experience. Minst sagt.
Roskilde för mig blev some highlights med många lame pits. Mycket quality time with my beloved mother. En tjej från Danmark som jag började snacka med (hon fyllde år om sex veckor och frågade om jag kunde gissa hennes ålder, jag sa 27, hon skulle fylla 18), tyckte vi var som Lorelai och Rory i Gilmore Girls. "Going to festivals together, getting drunk toghether.."
And about the getting drunk part.. I didn't get that drunk, cause I choose not to. Only friday and saturday was kinda.. Yeah, it's absolutely no fun getting drunk with your mother, I tell you that, apart from her paying for my drinks.. Well some of them atleast. But the beer was good, otherwise that was no fun at all, not without your friends, drinking with strangers is kinda dangerous.. And some embarrassing calls and text messages.. Sorry for that.
Going there with my mum, my sister and my sister's friend made me miss out on the whole "camping with friends"-thing. And also the rain helped with that, it was impossible to set up a tent.
Rain, rain, rain. Det såg ut som en krigsskådeplats, en enda stor pöl av lera, man vadade med lera nästan ända upp till knäna. Du var våt inpå bara skinnet trots regnbyxor, regnkappa och stövlar. Du frös så in i helvete. Och ändå stod man där och skrek halsen av sig vid Orange Stage, satt man där i ett mattält och käka thai-mat och drack Tuborg Gold. Njöt av atmosfären, av människorna, av musiken.
Vi sov i vår bil, en gammal Toyota buss, på parkeringen. A bit cramped, kinda painful, but it worked. Från festivalplatsen till parkeringen var det inte jättelångt, det gick att gå, och mellan dem låg en OKQ8, där det blev många late night purchases of chocolate, beer, breezers and unhealthy food.
The Highlights was definitely the concerts.
MUSE - OH MY GOD. That was just... unbelieveable. Jag skrek, det brände i halsen, jag skrek mer, "She buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurns like the sun. And I can't look away. And she'll burn our horizons make no mistake"
Att se dem på scen, även om jag inte var närmast scenen, var obeskrivbart vackert. You went out of your body, out into the air, the sunset, into the music, became one with the tunes, one with all the other souls soaring next to yours.
Plug in baby, vita, gigantiska ballonger svävar ut över publiken, vit konfetti i luften, alla sjunger, skriker, gråter, dyrkar.
I've exposed your lies, baby
The underneath is no big surprise
Now it's time for changing
And cleansing everything
To forget your love
My plug in baby
Crucifies my enemies
When I'm tired of giving
My plug in baby
In unbroken virgin realities
Is tired of living
Don't confuse
Baby you're gonna lose
Your own game
Change me
Replace the envying
To forget your love
My plug in baby
Crucifies my enemies
When I'm tired of giving
My plug in baby
In unbroken virgin realities
I'm tired of living
And I've seen your loving
But mine is gone
And I've been in trouble
Sedan Our time is running out, perfekt att bara skrika med, heartbreaking agony.
I wanted freedom
Bound and restricted
I tried to give you up
But I'm addicted
Sing for absolution likaså. Extas, extas, extas.
lips are turning blue
a kiss that can't renew
I only dream of you
my beautiful
Undrar hur många personer som svimmade... Eller föll i trans..
Matthew Bellamy's överjordliga pianospel, the death of me.
MUSE stod helt klart för den bästa spelningen på hela Roskilde.
In Flames. Love. Why is it that my entire body loves their sound?
I'm an amateur when it comes to this kind of music. Far out on deep water. Still I love it, still I can't get enough. Jag vet egentligen inte alls mycket om In Flames, kan knappt låttexterna, vet inget om bandmedlemmarna, kan inte säga jag hört mycket. Går på deras spelning, står längst fram vid gallret, njuter, headbangar (oh yeesh) och bara tar in allt. Pure love.
Spinning further deeper
I know you're out to try me
I'm not in this to be a slave
I push the dirt
Make me feel
Locate what swallows life
Night bird you build my world
And then I close my eyes
And then I close my eyes
Judge me now
Used to be afraid to let it show, bow down
good king in my own mind
Everything is in place
So much brighter from today
Drown the monster
Make all bad dreams go away
Whatever it takes to keep your hands free
Open scars
The quiet place
All the bridges fall to the ground
and you say you sacrificed
And then I close my eyes
And then I close my eyes
Judge me now,
Used to be afraid to let it show, bow down, bow down
A king, in my own mind
Everything is in place
So much brighter from today
A king in my own mind
Judge me now
A king in my own mind
Judge me now
A king in my own mind
Judge me now
Used to be afraid to let it show, bow down (bow down)
A king, in my own mind.
Everything is in place
So much brighter from today
A king in my own mind...
Red Hot Chili Peppers minns jag inte mycket av, det var på lördagen, jag var helt borta vid 01.00 (söndag morgon) då deras spelning började. Minns bitar av vad jag höll på med men vill inte minnas det. Så blir det ibland, bara att ta det och försöka komma ihåg ångern dagen efter till nästa gång du är påväg dit. Men recensionerna var inte bra, beskrivningen var "like tantric sex without an orgasm", so I guess I didn't really miss anything there.. Minns utdragna solon på gitarr och trummor. Alltså solos är helt ok, bara de inte dras ut för länge...
Little girls from Sweden
Dream of silver screen quotations
Trentemöller, dansk club-sweetheart. Electronica, trance. Yes that was trance. Even though he has a softer sound on the new album, he's still king of the dancefloor. And at Arena, the electro-stage in Roskilde, he brought the audience to new heights. Omöjligt att inte svepas med, in i crowden, bodies moving, turning, jumping, dancing. Sweat, everyone glowing. A security guard offering you water, you drink some, offer some to the people dancing next to you, and pour the rest on your face. Vattendroppar i luften, skakar håret så att pärlorna seglar genom luften. Moving bodies. Ingen brydde sig om hur de såg ut, och om man inte tyckte regnstövlar var särskilt sexigt innan fick Trentemöller's spelning en att tänka om. Alla hade regnstövlar på sig, och ändå var det a piece of club heaven.
Arctic Monkeys spelade innan Muse. Var inte så koncentrerad för bl.a. lyssnade jag lite på Tunng istället, en eller två låtar (de är jättebra och hur charmiga som helst på scen), väntade vid Astoria-skylten på mamma och försökte estimate when to place myself i kön till Muse. Men det jag hörde lät bra, lite lame, lite mainstream.
Aww, The Ark. Ola Salo är en underbart fantastisk människa. Och publiken älskar honom. Sweden ruled Roskilde. "What you need when there's a flood is an ark. The Ark is here to rescue you. Look, the rain already stopped, and we brought the sun." Ola pratade om kärleken på festivaler som Roskilde, om sina egna festival-upplevelser som ung, "it's all about finding love, kissing in the mud". Och såklart härlig allsång, calleth you cometh I. ONE OF US IS GONNA DIE YOUNG. "So live life to the fullest, while we have the time".
Björk är mysko, söt, kan sjunga like hell och har faktiskt bra låtar. Tycker jag.
Man förstår inte mycket, men soundet är isländsk trollskog, enchanted alright. A genious I'm not quite ready for.. yet.
Ah, just det, Mastodon. En av de första spelningarna vi såg. De var helt ok. Som sagt no experience in this area. Beskrivet på roskildefestivalsidan som "En godbid for fans af eventyrlig og voldelig prog-metal."
Mika ställde in!! Den största besvikelsen på Roskilde. To hell with the fucking weather, this was a thousand times worse. Mika, sweetheart, when will I get to see you? A genious I'm definitely ready for! Mika har de gulligaste texterna, gulligaste soundet och gulligaste albumet. Och han själv är också rätt gullig.
I got to be wholesome
I could be loathsome
Guess I'm a little bit shy
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me without making me try?
My Chemical Romance var bättre på Pier Pressure. Där älskade alla dem, här var ljudet lite skrälligt och Gerard såg rätt sliten ut. Han fick en ros iaf, "I löööööv rozez"
Strung Out, a new love, just as pleasant a surprise as Less Than Jake. Melodiøs hardcorepunk. Gotta get their album. That was early Sunday, about 12 or something, and I was kinda down, lite halvt bakfull. Deppig och poetisk. Skrev dikter och njöt av musiken. Solen tittade fram, kunde inte känna mig mer bittersweet. Sedan slutade mobilen fungera, hade tappat den i leran (två gånger) under Red Hot Chili Peppers. Och pengarna tog slut. Men bara lite kvar av festivalen...
Timbuktu överlappade med Muse, så det blev inget. Men han bor ju nära, och spelar ofta, så chanserna är rätt 100% att jag kommer se honom inom en snar framtid. Jag har faktiskt sett honom på stan i Lund. Haha.. Men Timbuktu är också allsång. Alla vill till himlen...
TIËSTO - Hollandsk verdensstjerne-dj med melodiøs trance som specialitet. Efter Red Hot Chili Peppers. Mådde inte jättebra då. Tror jag höll mej fast i en av stålvajrarna till Arena-tältet där scenen var, bara stirrade tomt på kropparna som rörde sig. Hade älskat att vara mitt i det havet, men orkade inte ta mig in där. Kände mig ensam och förvirrad. Men jag älskar ändå Tiësto, näst bäst efter Trentemöller om man vill köra "let your body decide". Om man bara vill släppa allt, and feel the pulse to the bones, feel the surge, the people breathing and moving, one with the music. Sista låten hör man Tiësto ropa i en mic "YOU CRAZY SCANDINAVIANS!" Everything was a bit crazy by then, but I managed to send two text messages and make my way back to the car.
Many pictures were taken, but not by me. Filmade en del också. Ska få foto och filmer av Micci (my sister's friend) senare. Kanske kommer det ut någon bild här.
Gud vad skönt det var att komma hem. Aldrig har vattnet varit brunare när jag duschat av mig. Cleaner than ever. Luktar gott igen, the mud nothing more than a memory.
Ska försöka recharge, återhämta mig och låta upplevelsen sjunka in innan jag ger mig ut i världen igen. Vad gör du i veckan? Saknar er mina underbaraste, I'll call you, wanna see you, you got time to meet?
Got a hunger and I can't seem to get full...

kay, the original is made by Bright Eyes, but the version I listen to is made by Bettie Serveert. And the lyrics are just... well let's just say that when I found this song (which was quite a while ago, mind you) that was exactly ME. Well some opinions are still mine, love IS an excuse to hurt and get hurt.. Also, the chemicals - got a hunger and I can't seem to get full...
I picked you out of a crowd and talked to you
I said I liked your shoes
You said, "Thanks, can I follow you?"
So it's up the stairs and out of view
No prying eyes
I poured some wine
I asked your name, you asked the time
Now it's two o'clock
The club is closed
We're up the block
Your hands on me; Pressing hard against your jeans
Your tongue in my mouth, trying to keep the words from coming out
You didn't care to know who else may have been you before
I want a lover I don't have to love
I want a girl who's too sad to give a fuck
Where's the kid with the chemicals?
I thought he said to meet him here but I'm not sure
I've got the money if you've got the time
You said it feels good
I said, "I'll give it a try."
Then my mind went dark
We both forgot where your car was parked
Let's just take the train
I'll meet up with the band in the morning
Bad actors with bad habits
Some sad singers they just play tragic
And the phone's ringing and the van's leaving
Let's just keep touching; let's just keep... keep singing...
I want a lover I don't have to love
I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk
Where's the kid with the chemicals?
I've got a hunger and I can't seem to get full
I need some meaning I can memorize
The kind I have always seems to slip my mind
But you, but you...
You write such pretty words
But life's no storybook
Love's an excuse to get hurt
And to hurt.
Do you like to hurt?
I do, I do
Then hurt me...
Life is but a dream for the dead...

Back from the PIER!! AWESOME!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
Hrm yeah, primitive way of expressing the energy, love, connection of that place, of those lives, of those bands, of that world. Some new, unknown to me, which was a really pleasant surprise. I'm speaking of LESS THAN JAKE, fucking awesome!!!
They didn't only create a crazy atmosphere and got everyone running around in circles like madmen but also had the best in-the-middle talks, talking casually inbetween songs.. "Dude, the guys in Sweden are even hotter than the babes in Germany!" Then they got the security guards real pissed cause they encouraged people to sit on eachother's shoulders, and ran around in crazy masks on stage, bl.a. en dinosaurie-sak som såg helt freaky ut, och en med afrokrull som de slängde ut i publiken. I slutet kastade de ut plektrum, skitsur när jag inte fick tag på ett..
Efter de spelat sprang jag och Ansgar till stället där de sålde band prints t-shirts och köpte varsin Less Than Jake.
Other unknown stuff: CKY
Their t-shirts were real nice, a print that said fuCKYou... Crazy gitarrist, han var på publiken hela tiden, typ "skrik högre, kan ni inte bättre era fags!" Sen "You want my Jack Daniels?!" slängde ut den, och någon stackars kille fick allt över sig. Härlig dusch!
The highlight, however good the others were... BILLY TALENT!!!
Pure love. Ben Kowalewicz, lead singer, his energy on stage is amazing. Fick inga bra platser dock, which sucked fucking bad, hade velat vara right in front of the stage, jumping like crazy, screaming like hell and just feeling that surge...
Han hade också jättegulliga smalltalks, bl.a. "How is it that the most beautiful girls live in Sweden?" Det gillades av publiken kan jag säga, tror jag blev semi-döv där.. Sen "..but none of them will talk to me.." Ja, guess the response.. "I'LL TALK TO YOU!!"
So, here's some goodies from Billy Talent, words of wisdom if you like, lyrics:
What you say is what you get
Don't be afraid to slip and fall
Speak for yourself or they'll speak for you
In our game, there is no score!
Okej. Det är bara att erkänna. Mer än hälften av de som kom till Pier Pressure var där för en enda sak - MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!! Det var rätt hysteriskt. Jag är inte jättestort fan av dem, men de är jävligt grymma live. Publiken var helt klart härligast på deras spelning, bäst stämning. Gerard, lead singer, är faktiskt lite smått gullig, men det viktigaste är att han är riktigt grym på stämning. Vi fick bra platser, inte lika bra som syrran dock (hon och hennes kompis var i andra raden, pressades mot staketet och badade i Gerard's svett, haha).
Det var vackert. Vackert som fan. Deras texter är the real thing, och alla kunde dem utantill, det är omöjligt att beskriva den känslan. Alla som varit på någon form av spelning vet vad jag talar om. Det är nästan religiöst.
My Chemical Romance, my favourites from various songs:
You might wake up and notice you're someone you're not
If you look in the mirror and don't like what you see
You can find out firsthand what it's like to be me
When I grow up I want to be nothing at all!
Give me a shot to remember
And you can take all the pain away from me
A kiss and I will surrender
The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead
So you can leave like the sane abandoned me
You're just a sad song with nothing to say
I'll kiss your lips again
But nobody cares if you're losing yourself... am I losing myself?!
-- FAN ATT VI INTE TOG IN KAMERAN!! -- rätt owned där alltså.. stod på hemsidan att alla kameror beslagtogs, sen sprang ändå alla runt med sina, medans vi fick nöja oss med crappy mobilkamera...
Det var synd att jag missade Sunrise Avenue, men tror att jag vid det tillfället var inpressad i en folkmasssa som bara halvt lyssnade på Avril Lavigne medans de försökte kväva varandra i jakt på bättre platser för My Chemical Romance.
Andra band som vi såg var The Sounds (sett dem innan, de har en del catchy tunes men jaa.. känslan avgör), Chemical Vocation (nästan lite läskigt, publiken var konstig, hotfull på något sätt, och så hade jag öronproppar i, det var close-up scenen, dessutom sa Ansgar hon såg två av killarna på scenen hångla.. fast iofs, det hade jag också gjort!), Mando Diao (är inget fan av dem..men nu har jag sett dem så behöver jag inte göra det på Roskilde).
Första t-shirten jag köpte var Blindside. Hade bara hört lite på myspace innan, det var det fina trycket som avgjorde. Sen spelade de, första bandet ut. Och jag gillade det. Haha. Så nu håller jag på och ladda lite musik, nanana..
När Neverstore spelade käkade vi kebab... Men de lät rätt bra..
Om jag glömt något band var de nog inte så memorable.. Haha.. Oj, jag glömde Sounds like violence, men de var helt ok, fast jag var rätt sliten då så jag minns inte mycket...
Men det kan inte bli mer perfect, this is the best warm-up for Roskilde ever.
See you there, party in my tent.
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