Voldemort will never have what we have. Love and friendship. We got something else that he doesn't. Something to fight for.
Remix alert. And what are we holding on to Sam? That there is something good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.
The only thing for us to decide, is what to do with the time that is given to us.
There's wisdom and hope for men in movies, whether it's in the form of Gandalf or Dumbledore.
So. The movie was awesome. I think the best so far. Luna was excellent, and the Weasly twins' firework revenge felt so damn good. When Fudge finally realises - He's back! - I started clapping, haha, among the few realising what a hell of an opportunity to mock him that was.
Loved the emotions in this movie, I seriously thought Sirius was gonna say something about puberty when Harry pulls his "I'm ANGRY all the time!" Well, life Harry. You just have to deal with it, it will pass. And the angst and rage. Wanting to strangle that horrible woman every time she showed her (not-so-toadlike) face. "Tell them I mean no harm!" Weeeell "I must not tell lies!" In your face.
Längtar som in i helvete efter sjuan just nu.. Neither can live while the other survives...
When Voldie (now isn't that cute?) goes "You're so weak, you're so vulnerable...", I could just feel that to my bones, exactly what Harry must have been feeling. Is that always the curse of the good side? If you care for someone, if you love someone, that's going to be used as a weapon against you? And still, love seems to be the blessing of the good side, what keeps it together, gives a strong motivation.
The nature of Snape.. Well he's just an enigma. Can't solve that mystery. Good? Bad? Well, as Sirius says, the world isn't divided into only good people and Death Eaters, we all have a dark side and a good side, what matters is what we choose to act on. Whatever side he's on, he's still brilliant. Like when he tells Umbridge she used all the Veritaserum and suggests poisoning Harry..
I don't like Bonham. Hon blev en lite för fladdrig Bellatrix. Bellatrix is supposed to have heavy eyelids, I imagined someone somewhat more.. solid än henne.
Ronald, just because you got an emotional range as a teaspoon. Aouch. Well they're getting there. I just don't get why it takes six books for them to realise what everyone else could see since the first.
And Cho. Yeah I'm glad it didn't work out cause that means Ginny and Harry will hook up later. Kinda fun though that Ron iterprets her crying as Harry being a bad kisser. It didn't look that movie-good like, but he's ok I guess.
Lucius got more screen time. But he failed completely, even though it wasn't he who was supposed to smash the prophecy.
Att Sirius dör var inte lika dramatiskt som i boken. Jag menar, när jag läste det grät jag i timmar. När jag såg det på film tårades inte ens ögonen.
The battle scene in the end between Dumbly and Voldie was kinda lame. I still don't like the new Dumbledore. Richard Harris was Dumbledore incarnated.
Poor Trelawny. At least she could stay, but we never got to see Firenze teaching classes. Jag diggar kentaurerna som fan. Probably cause they fuck up Umbridge so she has to go to mental hospital later. But they can read stars as well, that's pretty cool.
Kinda long time since I read the fifth book. Well I'm not gonna do it, cause that Umbridge woman just upsets me too much. I think I'm gonna go for a reread of book six again.
Well now I gotta leave cause I have to read about master numbers in numerology and then get some sleep, much going on tomorrow.