Oh my goddess. I'm just stunned, no words. This is beyond what can be written down, something like ancient magic, mysterious, can't be explained. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I wont say anything about the plot here cause I know that could spoil the amazing reading experience for those who haven't read it yet. Amazing is not enough, lack of words.
I've never felt this copmplete, the circle has come full end. A bittersweet farewell to the wizard I grew up with, to the world I love. Well it isn't really goodbye after all, I can return whenever I want, but it's just so sad that there wont be more books to wait for.
I've only just finished it, had some distractions. And also been feeling ill so I just had to sleep, lost my concentration and collapsed. Have to reread it now, to let it all sink in.
Just have to say, few of the deaths served a purpose, most of them just seemed like Rowling killing off people to make the sacrifice even greater.
And two of the characters redeemed themselves in my eyes. Thank you Rowling, I knew I could trust that.
A maze, a magical web of several plots and sub-plots, so much revealed, but given out slowly. Answers handed out like candy, one caramel at a time, slowly savouring it before you got the next one. But many new things revealed as well, I cried out in shock more than once. And new plots. And new characters. And... well the book is just crammed.
Many surprises but still many rumours come true. I didn't like that really, cause you where kinda prepared when you read it, it was like Rowling nodding to all crazy fans out there making up all the crazy rumours.
Vissa delar låg man bara och vred sig av ångest, andra var adrenalinfyllda, nail-biting. Some safe havens and laughs as well. And a wedding! And many beautiful patronuses. Ibland kändes det som om Rowling försökte för mycket, three failed missions, that didn't lead anywhere really. Or guess they did, but still. En deserterar men återvänder, vilket var lite lame, men antagligen expected. Jag tyckte inte Voldie gav samma känsla om tidigare, han måste ha slappat med sin Legilimens, men kan inte säga mycket mer å hans vägnar utan att give away too much. Alla gamla ställen som varit med tidigare återbesöktes, fick en använding, alla karaktärer återses, de får sin wrapping up. Men att Voldie och Snape vid en tidpunkt befinner sig i Shrieking Shack är bara skrattretande. Hey, det blev mycket campande avklarat!Det gillar vi. Och Kreacher reformed, a joy to see. Just as I'm writing this, more and more keeps coming to my mind, there's just too much. You're overwhelmed, you can't talk about it really, cause whatever you say, you're gonna miss so much and then remember what you missed later. SO. Advise to you all, for your own sakes, for all our sakes, for the sake of the muggle and wizarding world alike. Your souls need saving - READ HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS!
Måste som sagt läsa om, en del partier är fortfarande mysteriskt insvepta i ett moln av magi. Have to quote Rowling: "I've never felt such a mixture of extreme emotions in my life, never dreamed I could feel simultaneously heartbroken and euphoric."
It's over. It's all finished. I knew that ending was coming... I think I dreamt it once...