So. Came across this website mocking emo. Since the rate of depressed people is increasing, so is the emo-culture. With all what it means. "It's not a fashion statement - it's a death wish". So how do we tell whether it's narcissistic drama queens (wemo, wannabe-emo) who are creating fake problems to make their lives the perfect tradgedy, attention-seeking, seduced by the darkness, the "oh-my-life-is-hell-everyone-hates-me-I-just-have-to-slit-my-wrists-to-feel-better" kind of people, or if it's a depression going on. First place - depressed people usually don't reach out. They die in silence, without giving people the chance to help them. Is life more interesting as a tradgedy?
Thanks G for sharing those lyrics anyways (The Outsider - A Perfect Circle)
A new disease some say. Somewhat like A Clockwork Orange, life isn't interesting enough, boring and grey, what to do? Hey, let's make it interesting - violence, sex and drugs, perfect solution. Instead, in this case, tell the world how hurt you are, how messed up you are, how wronged you feel. Revenge. Let's compare scars, I show you mine if you show me yours first. Get some black clothes, red and black make-up. Fashion statement or death wish? Hard to tell sometimes.
Judge me now. I don't know how to define it, hate definitions anyway.
All comes down to people wanting to be accepted. Either way, see yourself from a non-human perspective. What is all this crazyness about?