Read some stuff on yogajournal.com That site really makes sense. I'm gonna stop this behaviour, never again a karmic disaster. Kinda the sherpa episode in Entourage that gave me some inspiration aswell. You just gotta read some of the articles they have on yogajournal. So I'm gonna deepen my practice, jättelängesen som jag yogade sist. Men jag saknar det. Noticed that I had wandered off a little in my practice since I just focused on the physical part, but once you've developed the technique it becomes so much easier to go on to other stuff. Pranayama for example.
Yoga is pure bliss, when approched with the right state of mind, with the right attitude. No one's going to change that for you, you have to do the work for yourself. The yoga-teacher, however enlightened, can't do everything for you. You have to find your own enlightenment.
Jag vet ju hur jag vill att mitt liv ska vara. Varför sätter jag inte igång och ändrar det då? Lathet is one issue. Much easier to just go with the flow, just let the days pass, falla tillbaka på rutiner och invanda beteendemönster.
Jag har försökt "askes". Då var jag riktigt motiverad, hade extrem-kontroll. Men jag blev sjuk. Nu är det på andra hållet, har ingen själv-disciplin att tala om. Frågan är hur mycket som är hälsosamt. I've always had that issue with wanting to be able to control my thoughts, control the flow of mind-chatter and cut it off whenever needed.
I mean there are so many possible paths to take. Choosing is a difficult task. The important thing is to not only see the physical benefits, not only see to what can be seen on the outside. The inner state is so much more important, in everything you do. Hur du förhåller dig till saker och ting. Just try to imagine for a moment, "I'm part of this, all this. Everything I see around me is a reflection of self. Everything is ONE." That's one way to start working on the selfish side, and I really need that. Surrendering to a higher state.
The way you keep your mind determines the way you experience the world.
So my goals in all this, is to take up yoga practice again, and go veggie. On a quest to find that inner peace, a state of calm that I can lean back on whenever I need it. My problem is, I can't enjoy the work I have to do in order to reach the goal. I only see the goal, or saw, cause things are changing.
If I don't find a yoga studio I can go to, I'll just have to practice on my own, even if that's much more difficult than in a class with a teacher.
Whether you call it the Self or Buddha-nature, there is at your core something, an essence, that is effortlessly joyous, free, and utterly connected to all that is.
And the reason to go veggie - well see your body as made up from the food of the earth, see it as the soil that needs fertilizer. Would you feed it konstgjort halvfabrikat fullproppat med semi-kemikalier och läskiga substanser du inte ens kan uttala namnet på? Kolla in videon jag har i mitt allra första inlägg om du vill se hur det går till på slakthusen, hur djur behandlas. Kolla också in Sally Kempton's article on enlightenment, "fake it till you make it":
Just to reach that state, att hela tiden befinna sig in a state of freedom and ease, creativity and joy, full of inspiration and happiness...