don't feel like writing right now. all my inspiration went into comparing medea and ett dockhem. i've been watching the lord of the rings, the extended versions and some extra material, it's as a comfort for me, finding my way back to something i can understand, something i love, some core deep inside me. the undying lands, the elves, their wisdom, the heart of darkness in men. what are we holding on to sam? that there is something good in this world, and it's worth fighting for. the whole mythology surrounding tolkien's works, it's something so true and pure, so beautiful, enchanting and mysterious, nothing else can ever even get close to what he achieved. i wanna reread the books.
ok. so i've said i don't like christmas. is that just to be alternative? cause christmas can be kinda nice. sometimes. but i think i like the time before christmas better still. förväntningar, levande ljus, mörkt ute, snön (hoppas den kommer lagom till jul i år), lussebak, pepparkakor, lukten av glögg och juliga kryddor, mys. and i love buying presents for my friends :) usually i compose something really personal, which is so much fun. knowing someone that well is reassuring. safety. i hate however trying to come up with something to give my parents and grandparents, cause all i come up with is boring stuff like candy. any ideas?
ah well. people talk so much shit. things you're not supposed to know of always slips through one way or another.
Secret #7.
Smiles and make up cover up so much these days.
Secret #8.
It's hard not to have anyone want to hold us when we feel alone
Secret #9.
We spend too much time thinking about things that will never happen and dressing up for the boy that will never care.
Secret # 11.
Its hard being with someone knowing that it wont last forever, but not able to end things cause u dont want to end up hurting him, or end up alone and hurting yourself.
Secret #13.. we change our minds fequently because we are always considering the could be's, wont's and what if's.