...with nobody's best interests in mind.
the deliberate human intent to harm (myes doesnt say much does it, i mean everyone can be evil, if they want to)
the intent to cause harm is crucial (now were talkin, you have to mean it, really feel you fucking mean it, want it, desire it, strive for it)
humanity is, within itself, irremediably evil (thats kinda bleak, does it mean were all just doomed?)
Satan, a challenger of the law or will of God (concepts of good and evil myes, symbols, personifications, something for people to wrap their brains around, easier to get maybe. challenger of law, like that, thats like a super-anarchist)
Some cultures or philosophies believe that evil can arise without meaning or reason (i agree, it can definitely do so. think of cancer for example, isnt that evil to us? or war. catastrophes. pain. death?)
evil arises from a misunderstanding of the goodness of nature (misunderstandings are evil. thats why people shouldnt assume so much)
even the most "evil" person does not pursue evil for its own sake (well that would just be stupid wouldnt it. is selfgain evil?)
is exclusion evil?
there are relatively few ways to do good, but there are countless ways to do evil (so fucking true)
what things, actions, and ideas are undesirable (allow me to laugh)
destructive and antisocial behavior toward others (waow i really have to look up how they define anti-social, i mean, by my meaning, how can that be a bad thing for anyone else than the person itself)
"punitive justice" — punishing acts that are seen as bad or wrong (yeah ive always wondered what bringt fella came up with those ideas, i mean its not logical at all, to do evil to evildoers "cause they deserve it"?!)
is the inability to think from other peoples viewpoints evil?
"evil is live spelled backwards" (aaand?)
a lack of conscience (that must be a biological defect, right?)
Research into sociopathology (waow, i wanna research that, so interesting you know)
a lack of ability to realize the true consequences of one's actions (we dont like consequences do we. we just semi-learnt to deal with consequences in an adult way havent we. or just ignore it all together. i like that. the theory of ignoring things til they just wont bother anymore. see if they still bother. bother, bother.)
talked to a bum today. he said he was a musician. he was very drunk but offered me a muffin. i didnt want the muffin. he asked what music i liked. he liked hardcore stuff too. he said he played the guitar. then he just walked away again.
too much caffeine. not good i suppose. brushing up on spellcasting skills, very interesting reading i must say. thought about it more and more since the spellcasting in buffy, some is authentic some is just huffbuff. guess everyone got a touch of the wicca craze when it was on a few years ago. dont know if the neopagans are still on the rise. maybe not. havent heard much about it and many of the old communities have disappeared because of lack of usage. i checked. remember this tarot woman i met there once, she was pretty awesome, would teach me about tarot and give me readings, for free. she had a nice webpage, wanna find it again. no one would believe the things... everything haha. such tides personality-wise is just so... unnatural. couldnt be possible. but at least im not alone. i hope.