
Take responsibility for your dreams and make them come true

About dreaming, hopes and trying to find enough money to finance a start. Because it’s all about the beginning.
Almost everything is about money, I mean, you have to work real hard to get where you want to be. It’s not even about talent, which sucks, it’s about money and contacts. And that makes the game so much harder to play, doesn’t it.
People laugh when I tell them what I want to be. Not as in a humourous laugh, more like a pitying snort, saying ”oh honeypie, I meant what you wanted to work as, no writers get any money!” And there it is again, the never ceasing-to-be curse that will follow me forever. I’d love to be able to support myself, but as it looks now, that would be close to impossible. I can’t work a full-time job when I’m in school and without a full-time job, I wouldn’t be able to have an apartment of my own.

I'm writing again! I love it. the ideas forming into words, running down my fingers into the keyboard, taking shape and taking meaning. it's time to get to work, i'll have to practise writing every day, even if it only is a little, even if it only is a sentence a day. Those who doesn't believe will never get their dream. I am getting mine, and nothing has ever felt more empowering and reassuring than knowing that next year, I'll, somehow, be off to Japan to study japanese, journalism and literature. I'll find ways to finance it and I'll even work a part-time job if that's what it takes. And I'll not leave once i got there. tokyo will be my home as a freelance journalist and writer. but the dream might change, you never know.

as it is now. I believe. Stop being so negative, stop handling money like it burns, start taking responsibility for your dreams instead of telling yourself it's impossible. Attitude and willpower is almost everything, at least more than you think.