Lies make it better
Lies are forever
Lies to go home to
Lies you wake up to
Lies from the alter
Lies make you falter
Lies keep your mouth fed
Lies till your death bed
Inside an office, a fallen angel
A smiling Buddha with snake eyes
Creates the latest trends
And i just cant pretend
Dont call me your friend
(Billy Talent)
I found away
Over the fear and through the flames
I'm diving in, don't follow me
Stay right here, I'll be back for you someday
I found away
It'd be best if you just stayed
It's not safe, don't follow me
I found away
I found away
(Alkaline Trio)
Serotonin chock oh yeah :D "You're like... like an adrenalin junkie with no soul!!"
I had a good time yeah. Great even.
As I said. Don't want you to go.
You might be the only one who understands who I am.
Who gets me.
I want to go there now. Such a longing. Unbearable.
One year.