grown-ups are so boring sometimes.
all of a sudden so asocial.
rest in peace, get some sleep. need sleep.
you came back wrong pet.
powers above this. the moon.
working loads. again. hopefully earning enough money for a new laptop. god im always going on about that new laptop. i really need it. and a cell phone. this old one is breaking apart...
ive been watching so much buffy it's insane. just cause i really feel like buffy, like in season 6 when she comes back from the grave and just feels estrangement to everything and everyone. she came back wrong.
two weeks are planned. tue - work, wed - movienight, thu - homework/reading (maybe meet mattie), fri - work, sat - work, sun - g?, mon - nothing yet (book me!) xD tue - work, wed - work, thu - sara + narnia, fri - g?, sat - work, sun - work. tadaa. im planning more and more, god i feel so responsible. and it's good i have a schedule somewhere as well, makes me focus better. homework really has to get started now, not too concerned though.
have to get my hands on some boxes, like Buffy, the O.C and Entourage. good watching before and after work to get all anxiety thoughts out of my head. feels like im off-track music wise again. no lyrics in my head.
have to copy some stuff from the Spellcaster book and put out here, so beautiful.
good god, you guys should re-read harry potter. it's great, i promise you.
friendship is a two-way thing where both parts needs to do their part, and FFS you cant just use a friend like a freaking piece of clothing which you put back into the closet just so you can take it out when it suits you
that would be so awesome if someone finally just stood up and said the things we're all thinking
thanks for the wise words, without you i would loose my way like that fast. wish you could be here right this instant. Tristan.