If life is a highway, I'm drunk at the wheel...
Deathbed by Relient K
Rediscovered Say Anything too. Really intelligent lyrics, love it.
Here's a taste for yah.
Admit it!
Despite your pseudo-bohemian appearance
And vaguely leftist doctrine of beliefs
You know nothing about art or sex
That you couldn’t read in any trendy New York underground fashion magazine
Prototypical non-conformist
You are a vacuous soldier of the thrift store Gestapo
You adhere to a set of standards and tastes
That appear to be determined by an unseen panel of hipster judges (bullshit)
Giving a thumbs up or thumbs down to incoming and outgoing trends and styles of music and art
Go analog baby, you’re so post-modern
You’re diving face forward into a antiquated path
It’s disgusting, its offensive, don’t stick your nose up at me
Yeah, what do you have to say for yourself
Whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah
Yeah, what do you have to say for yourself
Whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah
You spend your time sitting in circles with your friends
Pontificating to each other
Forever competing for that one moment of self-aggrandizing glory
In which you hog the intellectual spotlight
Holding dominion over the entire shallow pointless conversation
Oh, we’re not worthy
When you walk by a group of quote-unquote normal people
You chuckle to yourself patting yourself on the back as you scoff
It's the same superiority complex
Shared by the high school jocks who made your life a living hell
And makes you a slave to the competitive capitalist dogma
You spend every moment of your waking life bitching about
Yeah, what do you have to say for yourself
Whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah
And I say yeah, what do you have to say for yourself
Whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah
Cause I’m proud of my life and the things that I have done
Proud of myself and the loner I’ve become
You’re free to whine, it will not get you far
I do just fine, my car and my guitar
Proud of my life and the things that I have done
Proud of myself and the loner I’ve become
You’re free to whine, it will not get you far
I do just fine, my car and my guitar, yeah
Well let me tell you this, I am shamelessly self-involved
I spend hours in front of the mirror, making my hair elegantly disheveled
I worry about how this album will sell
Because I believe it will determine the amount of sex I will have in the future
I self medicate with drugs and alcohol to treat my extreme social anxiety
You are a faker (admit it)
You are a fraud (admit it)
Yeah, you’re living a lie (hey) living a lie (hey) you’re life is living a lie
You don’t impress me (admit it)
You don’t intimidate me (admit it)
Why don’t you bow down, get on the ground, walk this fucking plank (yeah!)
Yeah, what do you have to say for yourself
Whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah
And I say yeah (what do you..)
Proud of my life and the things that I have done
Proud of myself and the loner I’ve become
You’re free to whine, it will not get you far
I do just fine, my car and my..
Guitar, guitar go!
I drift drift drift drift drift yeah
I drift drift drift drift drift oh yeah
And I am done with this
I wanna taste the breeze of every great city
My car and my guitar
My car and my guitar
So you'll come to be, made of these, urges unfulfilled
Oh no no no no no
When I'm dead I'll rest
When I'm dead I'll rest, lay still
Yes that was a song. :) So fucking brilliant. Read it twice, just to make sure you got the self-irony of it all.
The Joker. The ultimate emissary of chaos. If I was a bad guy, this would be it. "What doesn't kill you, only makes you more mad." Lunatic laughter, the whole nonchalant non-planning, "others make plans, I don't", the way he gets everyone to play against eachother. His "social experiment", his crime genius, his brilliance... It's hard to not admire this guy. And hard to not fall flat for Heath Ledger. He excels, he's brilliant, he's the villain of the year. The interesting thing about how he interprets the Joker, is that there's still vulnerability and childishness shining through. Like the Joker only is a runaway kid, scared and insecure but hiding behind a wall of madness. One of the best Joker-moments was the Joker as a nurse. Inside, I was laughing my ass off.
Another thing I found interesting about the new Batman movie (yes I'm a comic-book geek) was the story with the White and Dark Knight, a.k.a Harvey and Batman. Each of them just as just, fighting the criminality of Gotham, one showing his face, the other masked. Both symbols of hope. I really don't think Harvey died in the end, wouldn't Harvey Two-Face be the villain for next movie? We'll see when it comes out, but I really can't wait. Batman Begins was better, with a more detailed and thought-provoking storyline, this storyline was a little bit too much nice explosions. But nothing beats the Joker. And nothing beats Christian Bale. He's the one.