I just love this text about sugar (and I love sugar very much too):
"The health dangers which ingesting sugar on an habitual basis creates are certain. Simple sugars have been observed to aggravate asthma, move mood swings, provoke personality changes, muster mental illness, nourish nervous disorders, deliver diabetes, hurry heart disease, grow gallstones, hasten hypertension, and add arthritis."
Brilliant! Personality changes. What do you say to that?
Did you also know that because glucose and vitamin C have kinda the same structure, they compete with eachother entering a cell since they use the same mediator to get in, so if there is more glucose around, there will be less vitamin C. Bye bye immune system!
And holy fuck, I'm getting paranoid about my daily tea intake, I use a teaspoon honey in each cup. Just look at this: "Honey has the highest calorie content of all sugars with 65 calories/tablespoon."
Also found an article called "Sugar: Pure, White and Deadly" What the hell, are they talking about nazis??
Another favourite of mine: caffeine!
"It's often used to stay awake longer -- college students and drivers use it to stay awake late into the night. Many people feel as though they "cannot function" in the morning without a cup of coffee to provide caffeine and the boost it gives them.
Caffeine is an addictive drug. Among its many actions, it operates using the same mechanisms that amphetamines, cocaine, and heroin use to stimulate the brain. On a spectrum, caffeine's effects are more mild than amphetamines, cocaine and heroin, but it is manipulating the same channels, and that is one of the things that gives caffeine its addictive qualities. If you feel like you cannot function without it and must consume it every day, then you are addicted to caffeine."
Hi, I'm E. I'm a drug addict. (prolly more than half this continent are drug addicts! haha)
Anyways. My point with all this (blame biology class, we were forced to drink Coke and measure our blood pressure) was to say: Life is too short to not have a kickass time!! More drugs to the people!! Long live sugar!! Cheaper coffee, Sugar Wednesdays!! Hallonsoda, you fucking rock!! And my old friend chocolate, who would I be without you (seriously, personality changes is the shit).