Arrival Monday - Why spend your life waiting for Cupid and Fate?
Mrs Lovett made breakfast pancakes for her Sweeney. Then she got on a train to Kastrup. From there, she caught a plane to Heathrow Airport.
Arrived tired and with a booming headache, got Oyster cards for the Undergroud (mind the fucking gap!!). And then took Piccadilly Line to Baron's Court, and from there it was only a short walk to Ace Hotel, a pretty sweet hostel. Love Londoner's accent!! No end to the amazement ;D
Our map was ancient. So we got a new one like the second day, cause it was fucking annoying having to read it.
Our first night we went to Fleet Street, after getting settled in at the hostel ofcourse. Me and my sisters sang all along the street ;D It was eerie and gloomy in the misty London night, even though the atmosphere got slightly ruined by a bright McDonald's sign (not to mention Starbucks) and the broad street with kinda lot of traffic. Dinner was had at Ye Old Cheshire Cheese, an old pub that was said to have a goth-like interior. Well I was somewhat disappointed; dark wooden panels, cozy and open fire allright, but absolutely no goth-feeling to it, not even in the vaults below ground. But the hearty, traditional food was really good, and really filling. When I travel, I love to travel through my tastebuds. I had "Ye famous steak and kidney pudding" (yumm!!) The roasted lamb was also nice, so tender it melted on your tongue. My sisters tried Fish and chips, real yummy that too. for dessert I had "sticky fudge pudding", it was like a spicy, dark, soft gingerbread cake soaked in some kinda liquer thingy, with a nice gooey toffee icing. Think I was the only one who liked it, heh. I love traditional English food.
On the tube home I made up stories about the man to my opposite left. His cute, sensitive eyes made you think of James McAvoy. the funniest thing was his woolen socks, the right one striped in yellow, purple and turquoise, and the left one striped in black and white, worn together with a grey businessmanlike suit, the kind of suit you'd expect to find on a lawyer! I think the socks were a rebellion against the system, a way of showing his resistance to the brainwashed working-robots running through life without thinking much.
Spender Tuesday - Be Kind Rewind
be kind rewind is apparently a new movie with Jack Black, saw the add in the Undergorund (sounds like hell). Liked the title.
A tiny, grey mouse ran past our train when it stopped at Knightsbridge (the stop to get off if you wanna get to Harrod's). Topshop-time!! Their flagship store on Oxford Street is pure loveliness, the vintage section there is simply to-die-for wonderful. Wanted all the dresses there... Bought a black crop jacket, a t-shirt with the print "little miss groupie", a strapless dress with pink top and black/white striped bottom, socks, cutiepink legwarmers, and a volangkjol, vippig, svart o vit randig i Helena Bonham Carter style and a supernice scarf with skulls and roses. At Claire's I got all these wonderful gloves (emo-gloves or w/e you ppl wanna call it).
Oxford Cricus, Oxford Street, Charing Cross Road, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Haymarket, Regent Street, Soho and Chinatown.
Had a sandwhich lunch at Carnaby Street when C called, and we met up. Fun!! She and her mum and dad were crazy on the musicals, saw one like each night! But we went around a little, found Beyond Retro, loved that store, C didn't XD Sherbet Lemon!! Fortune Coookie!! Hope you had as fun as I did in London C. <3
We went home, rested and left our purchases. Then out to eat at The French House at Dean Street, another recommendation of my dad's. As it turned out, the place was a little too pretentious and expensive for us, and since everyone complained at me for taking us there, I promised to let them decide where to eat next time, all by themselves, I wasn't gonna say one word (ehe).
After leaving shamelessly little for tip, we went on to Haymarket to Her Majesty's Theatre, to see The Phantom of the Opera. One word: goosebumps. Seriously. I loved it. Prolly cause I know the whole thing inside out and was sorta mumbling along (didn't dare to sing) XD
"Masquerade, paper faces on parade
Hide your face so the world will never see you"
Cold and tired Wednesday - Could you keep a secret for the rest of your life?
Started the day, as all the other days there started, with the nice hostel breakfast. Get up at 8am, put on some make-up and then head for the downstairs breakfast room. Cereal (honey nut, fruties or special k) with milk, scones, danish pasties, orange juice and tea and coffee.
"I used to obsess over living
Now I only obsess over you"
Portobello Road Market was a huge disappointment. Completely deserted, barely anything was open, and freakin cold to walk around that desolate place. Maybe the wrong day and time of year. Who knows. Not our guidebook anyways.
We got to King's Cross Sation, and Platform 9 3/4. Last time I was there I never got a pic of the place, but now I did, me walking in with a trolley. Hehe. Got warm with some Cornish pasties (delicious) and bought water and chocolate cornflakes mini-crunch at Marks&Spencer. the feast was complete.
Then it was time to embrace our inner tourists. Tower Bridge, Towern, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace. Had lunch at a touristy italian restaurant with superbland booring food, felt sick at the mere cultural suicide this was for me, but my sisters were quite content (seeing as McDonald's is their favourite). Nways, said I would let them decide...
After lunch we went to the British Museum. Not too interesting. Was just tagging along on the touristy thingys, since I'd already seen these places I could've gone to Shoreditch+Brick lane, but dunno if it's worth it?
We found Gerard Way's comic!! Yay!! Issue #4 and #5, all others were sold out. #6 was to come out Thursday (we got it later on in Camden Town). The Umbrella Academy is amazing, love the artwork, and it has a really beautiful story.
Vanilla Latte!! Mmm...
Punk-Thursday - Hijack a midnight train
Working on my British accent.
la dee dah. Camden Town! Pinstriped jeans + star hoodie! Then a fight about how I just run through everything, but if they have problems with it, why don't they stop me?
Was at Harrod's, but people just stared at me like I was some freak, so couldn't take it for long. We went home early again, to rest and read comics, waiting for the Sum41 show. Hoping to meet more alternative people. Saw like one or two our whole time in London!
Brixton Academy looks fucking brilliant! A green glass-like dome, and inside it looks like there's no ceiling at all. Waited outside in the queue for about an hour, and when we got in, we were at the very front, squeezed behind first row. Sound and fury played, didn't like em much. Then Reuben played, they're really good, but the crowd was ass, got fucking squeezed to breathlessness. Like air in vacuum. Just another body fighting in the masses. Sum 41 was ecstasy, pure heavenly ecstasy!! Fucking awesomely wonderful!! Deryck is the cutest ever, rules. He just randomly picked 5 persons who could come up and sit on the stage while they played and later they got to come backstage! Damn, so jealous! Started with Underclass Hero, amazing firey start, unbelieveable. Enjoyed I'm not the one, Walking disaster and Pieces the most. Cried to Pieces, words can't describe that experience, standing less than 3m from Deryck singing this wonderfully bittersweet song. I missed There's no solution though. Got some good piccies, soon up at
And yay, finally some alternative people! But no mouthwatering hotties, den enda i den kategorin var Deryck, beloved Deryck. I screamed like hell, i love you and other things. mwehe.
Completely soaked when we got out. In sweat. Went straight for KFC, hadn't eaten for like 9 hours (didnt eat before the show), and really thirsty. Pepsi never tasted better.
Leaving Friday - [ran out of catchy Underground ads]
Didn't really know what to do with ourselves on our last day. Was really exhausted after last night. So we went to the Natural History Museum. Too many screaming children. Even more exhausting. Passed the London Fashion Weekend on the way. Then we were at St. Paul's Cathedral, and walked from there to Piccadilly, but instead for going to the intended tea time at lovely Fortnum and Mason we eneded up at some strange urban espresso bar. Craze at Primark, exhausting. Then a bus from there to Holborn, where we took the Underground home to Ace. Collected our luggage and away again with Piccadilly Line to Heathrow. Had kvällsmat på T.G.I Friday, just because. Och jag har kommit på att jag älskar cola. Förseningar gör att vi kommer hem rätt sent, och utmattad blir det rakt i säng, medan de andra åker vidare till Y.
Har haft det underbart. Den bästa julklappen någonsin. :)
Sitting here eating the rest of my Cadbury chocolate. Alone tonight with all the homework. Sad, sad. Can't imagine how I can live without Marks&Spencers and Cadbury. Til next time in London, I'll have to dream.