found some old gibberish of mine.
Tired of the games I used to play
I’ve come all this way
so ask your questions
What is it that you wish for?
Is it true what they say,
You never loose your way?
Not like me pretending
so how could I help you?
Already numb, and numbing myself more. My heart can never react enough, and I ask if this is a permanent state of being? waow. how many times have i asked that question already huh.
if only things could be as easy as in an anime. i'd love to live in one. kasumi-san. i already have the perfect character file. ice cold, long hair, perfect appearance. doesn't say much, and when she does it's only sarcastic scorn. she doesn't have many people around her, scares most people away. it's not that she doesn't enjoy company, it's more like she can't bother chasin after people and trying to get close to them. and then there's her wall, no one seems to be able to get past it, no one really bothers trying to force it down either. and she doesn't care. doesn't care about much. she has her computer, always with her, just taking it up, writing, reading or watching an anime or listening to music. all she needs is cyberspace, music and her imagination. reminds me of my sister and how i am on the inside. maybe i'll be like that, getting a new computer hehe. haha.
Pygmysize cuts

A girl was out, listening to music, getting away from her real life, full of pain, music basically saves her life. Music is a way for her to bring her away from this world to another... Making her go on, feeling part of something, believing.
The music makes people believe, believe in a better place, believe that there are other people like themselves out there, loving music, making music to a way of living and a way to save lives.
what's left but a section of pygmysize cuts.
i fear this is neverending.
choking on shattered glass.
hahaha. shut the fuck up.
tomorrow gilderoy lockhart will be at the place i work, but i have the day off so unfortunately i wont meet him. true story.
We are uninvited guests
In this melancholy world
And soon you learn
That the only thing worth to treasure,
Are the people that actually care
Then why are there still tears in your eyes?
(sonic syndicate)
let me tell you. the tears are there because i dont know who actually cares. or if i actually care. or if anyone does.
mon - rest. tue - sara. wed - magda. thu - work. fri - g. sat - g. sun - work. this week will be totally ok even if i cant go to arvika.
West coast riot and Metaltown

Hell yeah i can do this!! festivals, festivals festivals festivals !!
thanks Z for getting me the job. working was real fun.
best concerts were The Used, Sonic Syndicate and Bullet for my valentine. NOFX are the most hilarious, always delivering and talkin shit, love it. Fun to work backstage at Killswitch Engage and Danko Jones too. Worked with tickets and wristbands when Flogging Molly played, but it sounded great and they're pretty good so. Drunken lullabies will forever be part of this years Hultsfred soundtrack, remember drunk-dancing hilariously the last night. Crazy.
Bad religion was bad. Millencolin wasn't very exciting at all. ok i guess, think they've done better shows.
headbanging so hard at sonic syndicate that my neck is fucking messed up right now, can barely move it without it hurting like hell. karin is cool. missed Die Mannequin once again, missed them at Hultsfred too. oh well, i was backstage at that time. wanted to mosh at bullet for my valentine but was working right in front of the stage as security so im not complaining, think i had the best place of all spectators haha. Tears don't fall was amazing.
first niht we slept at a random persons place. another one working there. i kinda screwed up cuz i told her we could pay her for letting us stay there but then i never payed. im sorry wherever you are.
after metaltown friday i took the night train home. slept. woke up all sore and hurting. had to work and now im writing this shit.
after the used's concert, i got into their music again. had over-listened before, but now im listening quite much again. love em.
Kill! Smile! Cut it out for me this time!
life is cursed. people are cursed. but still we wish to live.
Because I'm so clever
People are strange. Did you know?
Like when they walk past a window, and just HAVE to turn (in a highly compulsive manner) to check that they look ok. To check if the people staring really have a reason to stare. Is there a make-up smear? Something in my hair? Gosh, do I look allright?
People are stranger than strange. They say things they don't mean, they struggle for conversation when they really should be quiet (enjoy the fucking silence sometimes). They do things they don't mean, or don't want to do. How many times do we actually do things we rather wouldn't wanna do. Why do we fucking do it then. Excuses are just shitty inventions. Hard and fast and take the pain, isn't that how it is supposed to be, no wussy apos. Ruptures in a tape, over and over. And I realize things about people around me.
Not part of anything anymore. Don't even know if i wanna be. don't know if i ever was.
even in closeness there is a fucking distance, a fucking mist over the soul. Universal-Dementia. Why.
Talking and talking, do i really listen. Watching, trying, understanding? Walking. Trainhopping. Thinking. Listening. Seeing?
How many eyes have I looked into today without really seeing the person. How many faces have paraded before my eyes without names. How many have watched me walk from one platform to the next, seen me get off the train, seen me buy a kaffelatte, seen me listening to babyshambles, reading ? How many? So fucking many. Nameless. We don't care about anything do we. Feeling the burning gaze of a stranger frying your skin, returning the stare. People just love to gander. Blind gandering. No remembering. We are all blind. Worms. crawling.
Oh, Random, darling!
truth or lies. who would believe the truth anyway, people rather believe lies don't they. lies are widely accepted as truths while truths are widely accepted as lies. im getting confused which is which and why i am talking about this in the first place.
självhatet, no doubt. isnt it so, all you emo haters out there? we all hate ourselves so much that it's unbearable isn't it. oh yes we do.
Let's just all do what good ol' Petey does; trim the perfect crystal-white line to perfectness, snort it up and FUCK FOREVER. If you don't mind.
It's one and the same
It's one and the same, oh.
So what's the use between death and glory?
I can't tell between death and glory.
Happy endings, no they never bored me.
Happy endings, they still don't bore me.
They, they have a way
A way to make you pay.
And to make you tow the line.
Though I sever my ties.
Because I'm so clever,
But clever ain't wise.
And fuck forever,
If you don't mind.
Oh, fuck forever,
If you don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind
Like when they walk past a window, and just HAVE to turn (in a highly compulsive manner) to check that they look ok. To check if the people staring really have a reason to stare. Is there a make-up smear? Something in my hair? Gosh, do I look allright?
People are stranger than strange. They say things they don't mean, they struggle for conversation when they really should be quiet (enjoy the fucking silence sometimes). They do things they don't mean, or don't want to do. How many times do we actually do things we rather wouldn't wanna do. Why do we fucking do it then. Excuses are just shitty inventions. Hard and fast and take the pain, isn't that how it is supposed to be, no wussy apos. Ruptures in a tape, over and over. And I realize things about people around me.
Not part of anything anymore. Don't even know if i wanna be. don't know if i ever was.
even in closeness there is a fucking distance, a fucking mist over the soul. Universal-Dementia. Why.
Talking and talking, do i really listen. Watching, trying, understanding? Walking. Trainhopping. Thinking. Listening. Seeing?
How many eyes have I looked into today without really seeing the person. How many faces have paraded before my eyes without names. How many have watched me walk from one platform to the next, seen me get off the train, seen me buy a kaffelatte, seen me listening to babyshambles, reading ? How many? So fucking many. Nameless. We don't care about anything do we. Feeling the burning gaze of a stranger frying your skin, returning the stare. People just love to gander. Blind gandering. No remembering. We are all blind. Worms. crawling.
Oh, Random, darling!
truth or lies. who would believe the truth anyway, people rather believe lies don't they. lies are widely accepted as truths while truths are widely accepted as lies. im getting confused which is which and why i am talking about this in the first place.
självhatet, no doubt. isnt it so, all you emo haters out there? we all hate ourselves so much that it's unbearable isn't it. oh yes we do.
Let's just all do what good ol' Petey does; trim the perfect crystal-white line to perfectness, snort it up and FUCK FOREVER. If you don't mind.
It's one and the same
It's one and the same, oh.
So what's the use between death and glory?
I can't tell between death and glory.
Happy endings, no they never bored me.
Happy endings, they still don't bore me.
They, they have a way
A way to make you pay.
And to make you tow the line.
Though I sever my ties.
Because I'm so clever,
But clever ain't wise.
And fuck forever,
If you don't mind.
Oh, fuck forever,
If you don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind
Wanna live at festivals for the rest of my life!
She swallowed the pill. And in that exact moment, her cell phone died.
Pete Doherty is fucking cool. Hultsfred - I miss you!!!!!!! Wanna go back this instant. Most wonderful experience so far this year. Wanna write about all the bands and stuff but don't have the energy right now. Might come an entry later about how great Rage against the Machine was, how cool Babyshambles was, how much happiness and love can be measured from a Simple Plan gig, how much i love Hayley Williams, her incredible energy onstage and how brilliant Paramore is. How crazy we went and how wonderful all the people there was. Camp Pink Peace. Neighbours. Beer. Swimming pool with a sexdoll in, dildo in her ass, a guy in Borats swimming gear taking a bath with her. Captain Jack Sparrow strolling around the area. Cheerios. Kisses. Love. The disappointment when Linkin Park didn't show. I can tell it all. Pictures at bilddagboken, check out Maaango.
Midsommar . some awesome moments, some less awesome.
I don't know why you put a questionmark at the end of your text. It was.
Started as a joke but ended quite serious.
I didn't mean it to happen. I am sorry.
Det man inte kommer ihåg, minns man inte.
almost wish i didnt remember some of midsummer.
don't want a neck like this. it hurts.
silence. head ache.
i hurt. myself. everyone.
such a freak show i am. people are honestly scared of me. should they be? i dont know.
a brain of liquid craziness. when im a state of freak flow, i live. its amazingly fucked up. people think im high on some drug or drunk but im just hyped on some Power Drink. Every freaky idea that pops into my head is given space. try it some time.
laugh. go on. im just finding myself.
feeling. raped. and spaced out.
will i ever be normal?
ice tea. soon work. maybe normal surroundings will make me more normal.
oh gods in the sky, if you exist, please make people stop staring at me!
Try kicking yourself out from your apartment for a day. youre not allowed anything but some money and a pen and notebook, not even a cell phone is allowed. and youre not allowed to meet up with friends or anything. What did O do? She started with some leisurley shopping. It was a sunday, so not much was open, but one can always find something. and she loves shopping. she then grabbed some lunch at McDo, alone, and took some medication. Then went for a walk. Ended up at a café, writing all this ive written. and thinking about life.
from hereon, anything could happen.
The rain is pouring and I have no idea what the time is. I should do this more often.
A confession to be made. I'm tired of everything. I think about killing myself all the time. Vafan är allt bra för.
I see myself from outer space, as if im watching someone elses life. head heavy as lead. and i think about infinity. about my own perspectives. about non-existing paradigms. about embracing fears.
im already persecuting myself, thankyouverymuch. i already received the death sentence.
Killing yourself would be loving yourself, you would love yourself so much that you would allow yourself to escape from this place. Forever. And ever. It all makes sense doesnt it.
Gunnar handlar alldeles för dramatiskt ibland. "jag borde veta bättre, jag borde skärpa mig"
I hate so much these days. Immeasurable hate.
Att överhuvudtaget lyssna på främmande folks konversationer är mycket intressant.
to be a writer is to explore solitude. to listen to thoughts and breaths. exploring the same themes as my favourites paul and bob.
a home is minimum.
the meaning of a key. one single piece of metal that means so much to us.
it stopped raining, at last.
thunderstorm and Underworld. why is it that O can identify herself so well with vampires. thanks magda, love you. <3
nu ska ja skriva "Lilla ångestboken". Ha det så bra allihopa.
Pete Doherty is fucking cool. Hultsfred - I miss you!!!!!!! Wanna go back this instant. Most wonderful experience so far this year. Wanna write about all the bands and stuff but don't have the energy right now. Might come an entry later about how great Rage against the Machine was, how cool Babyshambles was, how much happiness and love can be measured from a Simple Plan gig, how much i love Hayley Williams, her incredible energy onstage and how brilliant Paramore is. How crazy we went and how wonderful all the people there was. Camp Pink Peace. Neighbours. Beer. Swimming pool with a sexdoll in, dildo in her ass, a guy in Borats swimming gear taking a bath with her. Captain Jack Sparrow strolling around the area. Cheerios. Kisses. Love. The disappointment when Linkin Park didn't show. I can tell it all. Pictures at bilddagboken, check out Maaango.
Midsommar . some awesome moments, some less awesome.
I don't know why you put a questionmark at the end of your text. It was.
Started as a joke but ended quite serious.
I didn't mean it to happen. I am sorry.
Det man inte kommer ihåg, minns man inte.
almost wish i didnt remember some of midsummer.
don't want a neck like this. it hurts.
silence. head ache.
i hurt. myself. everyone.
such a freak show i am. people are honestly scared of me. should they be? i dont know.
a brain of liquid craziness. when im a state of freak flow, i live. its amazingly fucked up. people think im high on some drug or drunk but im just hyped on some Power Drink. Every freaky idea that pops into my head is given space. try it some time.
laugh. go on. im just finding myself.
feeling. raped. and spaced out.
will i ever be normal?
ice tea. soon work. maybe normal surroundings will make me more normal.
oh gods in the sky, if you exist, please make people stop staring at me!
Try kicking yourself out from your apartment for a day. youre not allowed anything but some money and a pen and notebook, not even a cell phone is allowed. and youre not allowed to meet up with friends or anything. What did O do? She started with some leisurley shopping. It was a sunday, so not much was open, but one can always find something. and she loves shopping. she then grabbed some lunch at McDo, alone, and took some medication. Then went for a walk. Ended up at a café, writing all this ive written. and thinking about life.
from hereon, anything could happen.
The rain is pouring and I have no idea what the time is. I should do this more often.
A confession to be made. I'm tired of everything. I think about killing myself all the time. Vafan är allt bra för.
I see myself from outer space, as if im watching someone elses life. head heavy as lead. and i think about infinity. about my own perspectives. about non-existing paradigms. about embracing fears.
im already persecuting myself, thankyouverymuch. i already received the death sentence.
Killing yourself would be loving yourself, you would love yourself so much that you would allow yourself to escape from this place. Forever. And ever. It all makes sense doesnt it.
Gunnar handlar alldeles för dramatiskt ibland. "jag borde veta bättre, jag borde skärpa mig"
I hate so much these days. Immeasurable hate.
Att överhuvudtaget lyssna på främmande folks konversationer är mycket intressant.
to be a writer is to explore solitude. to listen to thoughts and breaths. exploring the same themes as my favourites paul and bob.
a home is minimum.
the meaning of a key. one single piece of metal that means so much to us.
it stopped raining, at last.
thunderstorm and Underworld. why is it that O can identify herself so well with vampires. thanks magda, love you. <3
nu ska ja skriva "Lilla ångestboken". Ha det så bra allihopa.
Somehow you just don't belong?
This is to "like somehow you just don't belong, and no one understands you".
That song is welcome to pretty much everyone's life. We feel so lost, misunderstood, lonely and broken that no one else could possibly feel all that.
By thinking like this we close the door on everyone else.
Because, truthfully, we all feel like that at times.
Some more than others, some less.
And we know that, of course we know that. Not stupid, dah.
We know that we're not alone.
So why do we feel like breaking down?
I have no freakin idea. i ask all these questions all the time, and it feels like im running in circles. im looking for nirvana in the buddhist wheel of eight arms. nightmare.
what i did today was looking at pictures. remembering who i am, why i am, what i am and how ive become like this. reliving memories. connecting. remembering all the love ive experienced and how good my life really is, has been and will be. it's something i can recommend to everyone feeling lost and down and misunderstood. look at pictures. loved ones. memories. know what they all meant, what people and places meant to you and how they shaped your life and will continue to shape lives. even if the people and places are gone, you will always have the memories and the love.
it's not the same thing!!
of course it's not the same thing, silly. it's just pictures. but pictures letting you relive a moment and a feeling, that's better than just darkness, isn't it?
thinking that no one understands doesn't help people understand.
people close to you want to understand. don't close the door, open it.
easy to say!!
you're running out of arguments. everything is easier to say than to do (almost i think). that doesn't stop us from saying (or doing) does it?
prove the thoughts you have about yourself wrong. you're wonderful, amazing, capable of more than most people i know. not running from responsibility (like ive done all my life) but dealing with it, the hard way. We're never good enough for ourselves. But sometimes we just need to give ourselves a break. Like a huge summer vacation. We can't live up to all the expectations all the time. That's just human.
And "that's just human" is one of the worst excuses i know, because sometimes i just feel like a fucking alien. But hey, it is true, i am most certain (note: "most") i am a human, and as all of the beings belonging to Homo Sapiens Sapiens (computerage philosophy fuck yeah) i have made a hell lot of mistakes.
Mistakes are A and ZzZ. But necessary.
We can't live after perfection. Perfection is utopia, and everyone knows utopia is really a dystopia and if there really was such a thing as utopia, everyone living there would be fucking unhappy anyway.
And we can't be BFF's with everyone in the whole world at the same time. Take life for what it is. a bunch of fucking randomness, interpreted into patterns by our lost little brains struggling for understanding of Livet, universum och allting.
No one is old for their age i believe. 18 and think i know it all. i've seen life and death and love and hatred, and think im wise. (talking like this i aint) no honestly im awware of all this. there's so much left to come in life, im not really in a position to say anything or give anyone advice. but i wont shut up either (too bad for you people! hah!)
I guess you all tired of listening to all this unintelligent belligerent talk. but if you read this far. good. you're not gonna commit suicide within the next ten minutes. (CALL ME IN TEN!!)
What i wanted to say. im freakin here.
as dysfunctional as i am.
accepting everything (pretty much) (no sadomasochism btw)
i want to stay forever close to you
i hope you dont mind this. this is just me writing to anybody. to myself mostly. but i mean what i say. i want to stay forever close to you.
That song is welcome to pretty much everyone's life. We feel so lost, misunderstood, lonely and broken that no one else could possibly feel all that.
By thinking like this we close the door on everyone else.
Because, truthfully, we all feel like that at times.
Some more than others, some less.
And we know that, of course we know that. Not stupid, dah.
We know that we're not alone.
So why do we feel like breaking down?
I have no freakin idea. i ask all these questions all the time, and it feels like im running in circles. im looking for nirvana in the buddhist wheel of eight arms. nightmare.
what i did today was looking at pictures. remembering who i am, why i am, what i am and how ive become like this. reliving memories. connecting. remembering all the love ive experienced and how good my life really is, has been and will be. it's something i can recommend to everyone feeling lost and down and misunderstood. look at pictures. loved ones. memories. know what they all meant, what people and places meant to you and how they shaped your life and will continue to shape lives. even if the people and places are gone, you will always have the memories and the love.
it's not the same thing!!
of course it's not the same thing, silly. it's just pictures. but pictures letting you relive a moment and a feeling, that's better than just darkness, isn't it?
thinking that no one understands doesn't help people understand.
people close to you want to understand. don't close the door, open it.
easy to say!!
you're running out of arguments. everything is easier to say than to do (almost i think). that doesn't stop us from saying (or doing) does it?
prove the thoughts you have about yourself wrong. you're wonderful, amazing, capable of more than most people i know. not running from responsibility (like ive done all my life) but dealing with it, the hard way. We're never good enough for ourselves. But sometimes we just need to give ourselves a break. Like a huge summer vacation. We can't live up to all the expectations all the time. That's just human.
And "that's just human" is one of the worst excuses i know, because sometimes i just feel like a fucking alien. But hey, it is true, i am most certain (note: "most") i am a human, and as all of the beings belonging to Homo Sapiens Sapiens (computerage philosophy fuck yeah) i have made a hell lot of mistakes.
Mistakes are A and ZzZ. But necessary.
We can't live after perfection. Perfection is utopia, and everyone knows utopia is really a dystopia and if there really was such a thing as utopia, everyone living there would be fucking unhappy anyway.
And we can't be BFF's with everyone in the whole world at the same time. Take life for what it is. a bunch of fucking randomness, interpreted into patterns by our lost little brains struggling for understanding of Livet, universum och allting.
No one is old for their age i believe. 18 and think i know it all. i've seen life and death and love and hatred, and think im wise. (talking like this i aint) no honestly im awware of all this. there's so much left to come in life, im not really in a position to say anything or give anyone advice. but i wont shut up either (too bad for you people! hah!)
I guess you all tired of listening to all this unintelligent belligerent talk. but if you read this far. good. you're not gonna commit suicide within the next ten minutes. (CALL ME IN TEN!!)
What i wanted to say. im freakin here.
as dysfunctional as i am.
accepting everything (pretty much) (no sadomasochism btw)
i want to stay forever close to you
i hope you dont mind this. this is just me writing to anybody. to myself mostly. but i mean what i say. i want to stay forever close to you.
Floating like broken debris
Rock & roll has been the sound of independence for half a century. The guitar is still its essential, liberating voice. These are the 100 reasons why.
"'Scuse me while I kiss the sky"
sorry if i was weird today. everything just felt weird. life is weird. i am weird. just realized. how ive lived someone else's life. when i look back at things that has happened to me, things ive done, it doesnt feel like im the same person as the one doing all those things. saying things. ruining things, fixing things. it feels like im looking at a strangers life. i mean, like ive played a game, "oh let's do this and see what happens", like i didnt take it for real. this is for real! i have to stop telling myself lies. this is life now, and i dont get any second chances. i have to start living in my own skin and not just float like broken debris on the surface of reality. what ive done in the past will be with me forever. what i do now will soon be history, and also be with me for the rest of my life. guess its called emotional crisis. but it doesnt feel like one. im just distressed over life. why is life so hard to get? why is reality so strange? why does it feel like im running against time? like theres not much time and i have to do everything now and everything right? why does it feel like i have to be happy all the time? why does it feel like a constant struggle? a struggle to keep up with everyone. a struggle to be liked. like if i relax and just be boring like i feel i am, everyone would just leave.
why am i in a constant fight with myself, reality and everyone around me?
"'Scuse me while I kiss the sky"
sorry if i was weird today. everything just felt weird. life is weird. i am weird. just realized. how ive lived someone else's life. when i look back at things that has happened to me, things ive done, it doesnt feel like im the same person as the one doing all those things. saying things. ruining things, fixing things. it feels like im looking at a strangers life. i mean, like ive played a game, "oh let's do this and see what happens", like i didnt take it for real. this is for real! i have to stop telling myself lies. this is life now, and i dont get any second chances. i have to start living in my own skin and not just float like broken debris on the surface of reality. what ive done in the past will be with me forever. what i do now will soon be history, and also be with me for the rest of my life. guess its called emotional crisis. but it doesnt feel like one. im just distressed over life. why is life so hard to get? why is reality so strange? why does it feel like im running against time? like theres not much time and i have to do everything now and everything right? why does it feel like i have to be happy all the time? why does it feel like a constant struggle? a struggle to keep up with everyone. a struggle to be liked. like if i relax and just be boring like i feel i am, everyone would just leave.
why am i in a constant fight with myself, reality and everyone around me?
A long awaited home-coming
I was really surprised although slightly prepared. I went to school, and first step inside, stina comes rushing into me. "Antonia is here!" I'm like "wait a minute, what?!" The adrenalin, a surge of excited happiness. "She's here, in school." "WHaaaat?! but wtf.. she said.. ah nevermind.. that's awesome, where?!" "upstairs, before..." So i went upstairs, threw a stealthy glance into the classroom to check, no one there. went inside. waited. excited, scared, confused, happy. then she went inside and i just jumped at her <3 "aaah watch the coffee!!" were the first words out of her mouth. i was like "who the heck cares, you're here!!" then put away the coffee, spillde över hela jävla feta historieboken och kramade sönder antonia. så strange. felt really weird, she was there. after waiting so long she was actually finally there!! i dont think ive got it yet that she's back home. still think its an illusion or something or that shes leaving again real soon. shes back!! so surreal.
det har gått ett år, nu när hon var tillbaka kändes det som att ingen tid hade gått alls. we were the same. she was just as wonderful as she always has been.
but feels like things are gonna change. somehow. the constellations wont be the same. i think. i hope we'll all be close and stuff but who knows. it's alot of girls we are talking about. one of the keypersons are back. the plot is probably gonna change. i know who i want close atleast, and you know who you are.
hon har varit med om så mkt och jag med, och även om man berättar är det inte samma sak som att ha upplevt det med den personen. men jag vill höra allt, hör du det va? <3 fatta vad jag va lost utan dig i början av året. sen vande man sig typ.
så om jag är allmänt lost är det för att jag fortfarande är i chocktillstånd.
she's back. :)
det har gått ett år, nu när hon var tillbaka kändes det som att ingen tid hade gått alls. we were the same. she was just as wonderful as she always has been.
but feels like things are gonna change. somehow. the constellations wont be the same. i think. i hope we'll all be close and stuff but who knows. it's alot of girls we are talking about. one of the keypersons are back. the plot is probably gonna change. i know who i want close atleast, and you know who you are.
hon har varit med om så mkt och jag med, och även om man berättar är det inte samma sak som att ha upplevt det med den personen. men jag vill höra allt, hör du det va? <3 fatta vad jag va lost utan dig i början av året. sen vande man sig typ.
så om jag är allmänt lost är det för att jag fortfarande är i chocktillstånd.
she's back. :)
Spongebob squarepants

RULES!! ;D And Patrick ofcourse <3 såg långfilmen nu i helgen. helt underbart. fan bästa filmen jag sett i år!!
"den är diabolisk, den är ondskefull, den är... citrondoftande!"
"hallå? såg ni min stjärtflagga?"
"jag har bubblor, kul på fester!"
Plankton: "sen ska jag ta över vääärldeeen!! mwahaha!!" (tystnad) Svampbob: "jaha, lycka till med det."
"pottan, vi dyrkar en dansande jordnöt..."
Man är den man är. Är man en barnunge så är man.
Svampbob är iallafall bäst.
I'm so upp for silly flumm movies right now, even chickflicks (ansga!! var är du?!)
Saw The perfect man with hilary duff. even if i kinda despise her to the end of the world, i still liked the movie. and i liked the fact that she was a blogger in it, and that the guy she fell in love with was a seth-like comic geek. loved the artwork "he" made, the comics he drew about her. so cute. i'd love to go to a comic book convention, any time. speaking of sethys, when i was waitressing this afternoon (yes, ive been working all weekend) there was this seth-lookalike at one of the tables. i was like OH MY GOSH xD so hilarious, i took care of all their orders hehe. seth would be like the ideal boyfriend.
i really miss the oc. have to start watch the old episodes again...
you get so off when you're out here.
out and cut off.
and tomorrow is a long trainride. my schedule has never been more fullybooked than now.
just as a reminder of my shallow plasticness and ultra-shopaholic needs im gonna make a list of the most urgent things i need to purchase. ok.
cell phone. sport bag. Diorshow Blackout Mascara. Mac book. iPod speakers.
That's about it folks. and i hope i'll have money for ipod speakers and a new computer by the end of summer when i get my paychecks. for now i'll have to scrape what i have for a cell phone, since my dad is so angry with me for "loosing" this one.
"and to all you bloggers out there with single mums, give the old lady a break, she's doing the best she can."
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