Would you think it a bad idea to write a short essay focused on My Chemical Romance and a Personal statement focused on changing the world? Well, that's what I'm writing... For a uni application. It is so fucking expensive to go to those universities I can only hope I will get some kind of scholarship or massive financial aid. But I mean, if I go to uni here it will cost too, right? My mom went to uni in Sweden and she is still paying off on her loans...
Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite - Gerard Way. Just read the entire Apocalypse Suite and man does it blow you away. Gabriel Bá is a comic god - a genius! His artwork is so beautiful it hurts your eyes! And the storyline, well I didn't expect any less from the incredible lyricist and lead singer of one of the most interesting band in ages... Sometimes hard to keep up, but the fact that not everything is spelled out only makes it so much better - requires some thinking. Comics have always been a huge passion - only, it's been in shadow of much greater passions such as books. I really should pick up drawing again - I loved it so much. And I was good. For a time. Now I've kinda lost all skill and I also get so frustrated with doing seemingly nothing - doesn't make me calm anymore. but comics! obscure, avant-garde comics with cryptic messages, fun twists and inventive un-pretentious plot lines...
Apocalypse Suite. Apocalypse Please. What is it with apocalypses? What is it with blood-spattered pictures and zombie-arms? What is it with ominous bass and elegiac guitars? What is it with that sense of doom? Why does it shake me in my foundations? Every time I hear a futuristic, apocalyptic sound, I tremble and take it right in to my heart.
Val Emmerich - that guy looks like some Panic at the disco heart-break kid. But he has very cute videos for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVfw7q5OkA0
Soothing. Listen to his other songs too. Can't find it anywhere to buy or download, which is too bad because I could really use this song for tomorrow. Always nice with new music on the iPod. And think that I found him on Ugly Betty. Think next episode, he will actually play. Ep7. Definitely PatD-material.
The only one lonely. Only want a connection - no one shares my lack of direction. No one ever bothers to explore the depths. And that makes me sad.