"Forever and forever and forever" he murmured.
"That sounds exactly right to me."
And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever.
It's hard to believe it really is over. These books, four books of about 400 pages or more each, have kept me going now for two weeks. Sucking me in to their incredible world. They motivated me and kept me going. Had me laughing and smiling and almost crying (as a general rule, I've only cried twice from a book - ever - first time when Frodo leaves Sam in Two Towers, and second when Sirius dies in HP5). Also hyperventilating. Yes. That was totally Edward's fault. Anyway. These books are good, no, better than good. To my little sister they are definitely what HP was to me. I am so happy that she, through these books, got her eyes opened to reading. That is exactly what children/teenage books have to do - open the eyes of young readers to the world where everything is possible. And the Twilight saga definitely does that. I guess it left me slightly stunned since I'm still sitting her staring out into nothingness. They are all so dream-like in quality that it feels like something I've dreamed myself, they are part of me now. What surprised me was that they also taught me something about human nature. Yes, a book about vampires taught me about human nature. As damaged as I am by English A2 - the strongest theme is still love. Love with capital L. And then imagine if you're a vampire and immortal, and can have the love of your life forever...
Twilight - dreamlike and wonderful - seductive
New Moon - very vivid and painful in a way, strong scenes that stay with you
Eclipse - don't remember bigger parts of this one, it floated by sort of, until the end. which was very annoying at some points... and yes, chapter 20 as well, mmmmm....
Breaking Dawn - fascinating and frustrating and the most provoking in the series. Remember everything. The first part builds up tension. The second made me downright angry, wanted to throw it away screaming with frustration and the third part... well the third part is the end so of course it's compelling and extraordinary.
You will have to read for yourselves to get a feel of the obsession these books have become to so many people. Trust me, I know the impact they have. *magda, host*
Also, it will be very interesting to watch the movie version and I will continue going to premiere nights because the audience on premieres is always the best - absolutely charming. Shrieks and swoons and laughter at exactly the right places, cheers even for the enemies. Haha. I guess you can call it quaint. Sort of.
It is with concern and sorrow I part with these books. I know they will not be a subject for re-read for a long time at least (unlike for some, extremely obsessed persons *magda, host*) since I don't want to disturb the serene, magical picture of them in my head (I always get more analyzing when I re-read). And also because they are so dear to me. Concern because they kept me motivated and calm like nothing else can. I did more schoolwork in these weeks than I've done in a long time, just so I could reward myself with some intense reading, and because they made me calm. It was a perfect escape and now I feel like a nude, exposed, blubbering baby kicked out too early from the warm, comfortable womb. Who knows when I'll find this kind of peace again...