Placebo. One of the discoveries I made recently. of course I have heard Placebo songs before, famous ones such as 36 degrees. But it was not until I stumbled upon a Sims 2 clip on youtube with "Cold light of morning" by Placebo that I really opened my eyes to this incredible band. New favourite: "Running up that hill". Yes I've heard that one before as well, but this time it simply blew me away.
Here it is in a Final Fantasy vid:
FFX sure looks rad. A game I've been dying to play. On PP2, whenever that comes out in Sweden.
Hypnotizing. Want to learn it. And experience it, see it, try it. Music is hypnotizing to me. Some songs, songs that change your life. Running up that hill is a song that changes your life. Just like Rei Fu's Life is like a boat, and Do you feel by The Rocket Summer. Songs that go right into your heart and change bit by bit how your mind is built up.
Make a deal with God, and ge thim sto swap our places. There is a place I'd like to be right now. And however I seem to plan my way there, it doesn't work out. You wanna feel how it feels? Wanna know that it doesn't hurt me? Wanna hear about the deal I'm making? Running up that hill.
The future lurking around the next corner. Lucia was a saint. She died and went to heaven - let's change the experience. We all die sooner or later, no deal. Soon it is chrishmukkah and what happens then. Then the next year begins. The year I graduate from High School. I am afraid. So afraid.
And what begins today get its end tomorrow. I dreamt a wonderful dream last night. I dreamt I fell in love. He looked conspicuosly much like Johnny the hot surfer from The O.C season 3 (I didn't mind). We went to a luxurious bath house or something like that. Me, unknown girl who was my friend (I didn't notice her much) and him. And it was perfect. I didn't want to wake up but eventually I did.
Anime is another thing that hypnotizes. Make you see clearer, make you feel. Open your eyes. You're walking by your dreams every day. Just stop clenching your fists and get things done instead. How deep the bullet lies. You're tearing yourself apart with every day that passes. Blind to the love that surrounds you, thinking you're alone in the world. It doesn't have to be like that. Open your heart. Start with your eyes. They're unseeing.
If I only could heal you. And everyone else. Everyone who is suffering. It's unnecessary to suffer from things you afflict on yourself. But I can't help, not even the ones I love. Frustrating, maddening, sad. The secret behind all secrets, the lies behind all lies, the world behind the one we're living everyday. There is like a wall, a film, in front of our eyes. And it's not going to change. Will you help yourself today?
We all matter. Be running up that road. Be running up that hill. Be running up that building. If I only could...