The earthquake was totally awesome, stop whining people! Scary my ass, I just wanna experience it again. Yes, I'm an adrenalin junkie with no soul, been called that numerous times, but hey what a kick! Awesome way to wake up anyway.
Cut my hair on the scariest salon ever. They had no idea what they were doing. Felt sorry for the guy in the chair next to me, he was getting his hair bleached by a total amateur. I swear, it's gonna fall off. It was an experience nonetheless, and as the collector of experiences I am...
Another recent experience was transforming people into scary dolls by make-up. It was kinda exciting, and I just adore the creative process. And I got to spend time with crazy-A, which always is a bunch of fun.
Now for more ethereal matters. Sylvia Plath. When she speaks to me through the pages it's like a secret voice coming from my bones... The bell jar. Hello blissfull reading. Oblivion. Got me thinking. Again.
Why do we all wanna be big rock stars, girls come easy and drugs go cheap, we'll stay skinny cause we just wont eat? Loosing innocence too fast. There's a need to rush out into the grown-up world. Bra's for five-year olds. Why did I rush? Why didn't I save and wait? Why did I take the first chance I could to spoil my innocence? Why pass out from drunkness? Why one-night stands? What was behind all that, what thoughts, fears, insecurities and decisions? What if I never did, who would I be today? Don't get me wrong here, je ne regrette rien. But it's interesting to closer examine thought patterns.
New years eve is approaching. I thought of hosting a party, it would be so cool, but don't have the means right now. So don't know what I will do yet. Maybe if I get FFX for christmas, I'll spend it with Tidus and co. Or maybe I'll ask around, who's going where etc, smoke up and tag along. Like the looser I am.
I made a list for the year that has passed. The year in average numbers. I want my equation to add up, I want to be someone to count on. Here goes:
Fell in love: 0
Cried: 12
Died: 2
Ate at McDonald's: 63
Ate at BK: 72
Chokladfrapino at EH: 21
Hated ToK: infinite
New friends: 3
Good books: 9
Great concerts: 23
Lost cell phones: 1
Crashed computers: 2
Passed out: 1 (HAH!)
The last blog post of the year will sum up good and bad things with the year that passed and boy what a year it's been. Mind-blowing in it's own peculiar way. London, Tokyo, Paris, Berlin, Hultsfred. I count the value of a year by the number of amazing experiences so...