Cooooookiiiieee Dooouuugh Aaaaarrrrhhh (Homer gurgel)
Sara-dag idag. Myspys. Gick på stan, faktiskt sista dagen för malmöfestivalen, snyft. Hämtade byråkratiska tråk-papper om gymnasiekortet, och ringde telefonsomtal. Har mitt CAS-jobb nu på Världsbutiken. Tror jag. Ska provjobba imorgon. Får se hur det går. Men no salary där inte, ideellt arbtet ftw (Ehehehe). Kanske om jag inte var så pank skulle jag se på det med mer blida, IB-världsförändrande ögon. Men inte nu, inte just denna tid. Ligger fel i tiden. Eller så är det jag som förlorade mig i... vad var det jag pratade om nu igen?
Varjefall. Reagge-stället var fett, speciellt halv-ett på natten!! Efter en dusch Melody Club (njaa inte särskilt bra sound, men jag kan alla låtarna hahaha) och The Ark (Ola Salo <3) var det perfect.
Melody Club, kan många låtar och så, men endast en av de låtarna dom jag verkligen gillar - Fever Fever. Mainly because of the line "she's nobodys angel".
she's nobodys angel
she's nobodys
nobodys angel
fever fever leave my heart alone
teardrops down my face
i curse the day that I was born
The Ark är så folkliga, majoriteten älskar dem. I like their lyrics, and I like Ola Salo. :) "Come pray with me, Malmö!" "Vart vi än åker i världen, kommer vi tillbaka hit, bara ni ropar!" Jag o Mads letade oss fram till tredje raden, men pressades bakåt, fan vad folk knuffades, sjukt. Läskigt ett tag när man höll på att kvävas. Skickade sms till Tore efteråt, visst var Ola Salo underbar? :D Men han bara eh, lite förmycket kanske. Yes, he is over the top, the top of the world, energetic as fuck, giving everything.
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow.
Cause one of us is gonna die young
Tell me this night is over (DEPPMUSIK; OTROLIGT VACKERT!)
Why should it be so bad to be bad
When its so hard to be anything at all
And why does everyone seem to forget
what its like to be all alone
- As soon as they, have got someone
Oh its no fun, it makes me wanna vanish and die
Maybe ill throw all my clothes into a waterfall
And sit and spy while they all cry
- You get so silly when you are lonely
And you think that your the only, who'll say:
I hope that someones gonna call me and tell me this night is over
Cause i wanna start living my life before i grow much older
Maybe you all would consider it a joke
If i say that i hate myself
But now and then
When i look into the mirror
All i see is a big mistake
(And wouldnt you)
Well, i just wanna be fun
Just wanna be the one
Who makes you smile
I just wanna believe
That i could be something to someone
- Am i the only one around here
Whos not gonna live my life in fear?
I hope that someones gonna call me and tell me this night is over
Cause i wanna start living my life before i grow much older
(- I dont understand you)
- And why would you
(- Can you tell me)
What is on your mind?)
- I dont have words to say
How much i think i owe you
- We aint gonna live our lives in fear
Because ridicule is no shame
Oh, it's just a way to eclipse hate
It's just a way to put my back straight
Oh, it's just a way to remain sane
'Cos they've forgotten how to play
Oh, maybe they're afraid to feel ashamed
to seem strange, to seem insane
to gain weight, to seem gay
I tell you this
That it takes a fool to remain sane
Do, do, do what you wanna do
Don't think twice, do what you have to do
Do, do, do, do, let your heart decide
what you have to do
That's all there is to find
Avslutar alltid med Calleth You, Cometh I. Memories, memories. Om du kallar, kommer jag. Thats just how it is...
I don't want my full-night-sleepies, I want you.