Didn't do much today.. bakade och spelade in retard recordings med mobilkameran. Haha. Var och handlade för maten var slut. The day disappeared cause I woke up so late. Nevermind, wrote alot of blog-material yesterday, which I can use in today's blog. Yesterday I went trhough alot of old notes and wrote some stuff. It was fun.
Have fun with finding characters. Naming them and deciding a back story. I love it, haven’t had this fun in a long time. Going through old notes I find much childish make-belief that doesn’t really work, childish attempts to write seriously. Still fun to read, and with a little correcting I could actually use some of it. You can date all the notes as well, since beside all the storylines and ideas I’ve scribbled small memo’s like phone numbers “don’t forget to call” etc. It’s real fun. And most of the storylines are about young girls, abandoned by their parents, given an important task to carry out, kinda like have-to-save-the-world-fantasy. In on of them, the protagonist is actually abandoned by her mother in the story (usually heroes are orphans from the beginning) and have to move in with her grandparents. Kallblodigt beskriver jag sedan hur först mormor dör och sedan morfar. Nu har hon verkligen ingen, only that mysterious arftefact her mother left her, och ett kall… När man är liten är det lätt att fantisera om sådant, om att man är en lost orphan vars riktiga föräldrar var mäktiga härskare eller magiskt folk med speciella krafter och att man är destined to save the world.
Also did a list of things I wanna do. It motivates you when you're down to do things, to dream..
“On his deathbed he was heard muttering, ‘So little done, so much to do.’“
Climb Mt Fuji, Mt Everest and Kilimanjaro. Travel in the Himalayan mountains. Live with Buddhist monks. Learn ashtanga yoga in India with Pathabbi Jois for half a year or more. Travel around in India, yoga on beaches. Travel around the world, exploring. Travel down amazonas river. Besöka ancient sites där inca och azteker levt. Machu Picchu. Journey north of the Arctic Circle around the summer solstice and spend a night (ideally in a hot tub) watching the sun circle above the horizon. Sky dive out of a plane, bungy jumping in New Zeeland, hang gliding… Travel all over Japan, live, study and work there… Write books. Scuba dive on the Great Barrier Reef, swim with dolphins, live for some time on a deserted island, go white water rafting, walk the Great Wall of China, drive all across the US, travel on the Orient Express and the Trans-Siberian Railway…
Then I found some funny sites on the net, like "50 food related things to do before you die" etc...
Takamatsu, in the prefecture of Kagawa, on the island of Shikoku, to the south of Japan is to noodle lovers what Mecca is to Muslims. (You were supposed to go there before you die and slurp down some noodles)
Learn how to make a dry martini
Mr Durack says the perfect ratio is six parts gin to one part vermouth. He's right of course. He says that you pour the gin and vermouth over ice in a chilled shaker, then mix and strain quickly into a chilled martini glass. There are more rules too: any more vermouth and it's a mixed drink. Any less and it's a shot. Anything more than a green olive or a twist of lemon and it's a salad.
Soon going to Vienna, so I looked up some facts on the net. And guess what I find:
It is said that of all the cities in the world, Vienna is the most obsessed with death. It has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, a coffin museum, and many citizens who save all their lives for a lavish funeral.
That is just perfectly emo. Dad! Take me to the coffin museum!
Another thing you should do before you die (not food related) is get an enemy. Motivation: Care enough about something to make someone mad. An enemy helps you define yourself.