"[...] knowledge is a multi-faceted and complex concept and humans are only recent additions to the Universe. What hope do we have for certainty and truth when we are so limited? And yet, we seem to have made so much progress, even in the short time we have been around. Our societies are radically different to those of any animals; we know how the stars shine and we have the power to destroy the Earth [...] Have we overplayed the weaknesses of humankind?"
"Rättvisan bor ej i vårt mänskoöga ..." Medea är faktiskt bra, modernt för att varit skriven på den tiden. How she was betrayed by her husband, by his own greed for status and riches. He runs off, marry the daughter of the king, and leave Medea to her faith in the pretense that he does it for her and their two sons. Forget an old love for a new. She loved him, he was everything to her. And he thinks the world would do better without women - "Ja, kunde vi få barn på annat sätt och kvinnokönet inte funnes till, då levde vi bekymmerfritt på jorden". Är det så killar? Post a comment, would you really not miss us if we were gone? Like a very long boys night out... Haha how gay you would be without us women.
Menader - extatiska kvinnoväsen i Dionysos-kulten. Mostly priestesses getting fucked up drunk and going mad, lust and sex being keywords. Just one part of a huge procession, a tiny piece of an enormous cult of ecstasy. Just wanted to mention it as part of early human culture. Berusning har alltid lockat oss.
je suis déconfit.
"[...]¨the laws of science contain no matter and have no energy either [he talked about ghosts before, why they couldn't exist] and therefore do not exist except in people's minds." Think of it. If we don't have to believe in science? Are we certain about these proofs? They follow rules, made up by men. Can we really say that we are that brilliant?
"The scientific point of view has wiped out every other point of view to such an extent that they seem primitive, so that today if a person talks about ghosts or spirits he is considered ignorant or maybe nutty. It's all but completely impossible to believe in a world where ghosts can actually exist. "
" 'And what that means is that the law of gravity exists nowhere except in people's heads! It's a ghost! We are all of us very arrogant and conceited about running down other people's ghosts but just as ignorant and barbaric and superstitious about our own!' 'So why does everybody believe in the law of gravity then?' asks John. 'Mass hypnosis. In a very orthodox form known as 'education' ' "
"Laws of nature are human inventions, like ghosts. Laws of logic, laws of mathematics are also human inventions, like ghosts. The whole blessed thing is a human invention, including thethe idea that it isn't a human invention!"
(Ghosts, an extract from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by Robert M. Pirsig)
Am philosophical. Want to discuss with someone.
Been reflecting on a lot of things lately. From "Where am I going?" to how much scent affects me. Touch and scent are my most pleasurable senses. Nyduschad lillasyster i knäet, nybakat bröd, rostade kaffebönor, kladdkaka i ugnen, smörjer in sig med hudlotion med en doft man gillar, schampo i håret, min kudde, a particular t-shirt... The way people have different scents that belong to them, whether perfume or whatever.. People I like, their scents really affect me...
And touch. Touch is amazing. Thrill. Skin to skin being one of the best...
I'm going insane. Forgive me.
An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind. --Buddha
If I ever hurt you,
Your revenge will be so sweet...
Robbie Williams -- Come Undone