

I don't want to move. My stomach might start hurting again if I do. I got shitloads of tip this evening, which is very nice. Do you want to know what I've done with all my previous tip? Of course you do. Bought cigarettes. Now I got shitloads, so now I can buy shitloads. And I haven't eaten much today, because when you work that stressful job you don't have very much time for anything but working. I guess that is bad. I guess smoking is bad. I don't smoke very much. And I ride my bike very fast every day, which counts as exercise. I am a good samaritan. Whatever that entitles.

I told myself I would write in my blog tonight when I got home from work. It is now 2am, I got home half an hour ago. But I don't know what to write about except for the good tip I got this evening. I don't want to work tomorrow. I don't like it when it's so stressful. I don't like having muscle cramps, shoulder ache, stomach ache, head ache, nervosity. Oh, btw, I saw Matilda. She was at the restaurant. She hasn't changed much. She has long hair again. I wish we could hang out like it used to be. But we are too far apart in personality, which I already knew when I distanced myself from her after 9th grade. Maybe she knew it too. But she was a fun person, loyal, beautiful mind. And we have some great great memories together. Speaking of great memories; it was great seeing Sara again, just chillin by the pool. And I love my little sisters, they make me feel whole and complete. Bye for now, I need to sleep.