amazing speed at this place. sugarcult, head automatica, motion city soundtrack and scary kids scaring kids. im having fun.
Wearing silk pyjamas doesn’t take away the pain
Of the sunburns on my insides
I will never forget, this beautiful summer’s rain
As you left and I got wet
Everything I said and did, it was all in vain
You just wouldn’t listen
I like this house. It feels as if I’ve always known this place, lived here before, a long time ago. The artistic chaos, the lyrics and childish drawings on the walls, the wooden balks in the ceiling, the wind chimes, the homemade ceramic cups with coffee and milk, freshly baked buns with lots of butter, melting. The candles, the kittens, the handmade rugs, the colourful blankets, the mishmash of clothes, the large cushions, the pieces of art and decoration, a mix of flee market finds and home made stuff, of old and new. Nothing quite fits in, nothing quite matches, but that’s exactly what makes the whole place so incredibly beautiful and homely. If I would call any place home, this would be it. Except that I don’t really have a room here, and it’s only the second time I’m here. It’s a place to belong. Just as chaotic as me.
Everything is Alright – Motion City Soundtrack
Tell me that you're alright
yeah everything is alright.
oh please tell me that you're alright.
yeah everything is alright.
Give me a reason to end this discussion,
To break with tradition, to fold and divide.
'Cause I hate the ocean, theme parks and airplanes,
Talking with strangers, waiting in line.
I'm through with these pills that make me sit still.
Are you feeling fine?
Yes, I feel just fine.
Tell me that you're alright.
yeah everything is alright.
oh please tell me that you're alright.
yeah everything is alright.
I'm sick of the things I do when I'm nervous
Like cleaning the oven or checking my tires Or counting the number of tiles in the ceiling.
Head for the hills, the kitchen's on fire!
I used to rely on self-medication.
I guess I still do that from time to time.
But I'm getting better at fighting the future.
Someday you'll be fine.
Yes, I'll be just fine.
And now I'm gonna watch gossip girl, before i have to head for grandma's place, oh joy. atleast i'll get yummy food and get to drift into a waking ZzZ while pretending to listen to all scandals in the neighbourhood. nah, i like my grandparents, it's just that they don't know me, and i don't know them.
long philosophical discussions with my mom. about the meaning of life, the universe and everything.
xo xo