Simply fucking amazing!! Aiden is a wonderful live band, fantasmagoric, mutliple mental orgasms (and that was only the music, not counting in all the freakin hot emo guys at the show, omfg). Moshpits, howling out your fucking rage, there's few feelings that beat what Aiden created tonight. Everyone getting down on their knees, all rising in unison at the scream of Wil, exploding to the roof. Simply fucking amazing.
We're all in hell
Laughing at your misery
The desperate fade to black and it suits me well
Those lines are forever etched in my memory, screaming them out, with all the rage, all the hate, all the sorrow, all the hurt, all the fucking venom vengeance and anger contained in this being. "For the people you hate" said Wil, parting the audience into Wall of Death. And we ran. Crashed. Our lives.
After Early to bed and Kill Hannah played (Kill Hannah has one of the hottest guitarist ever, seriously), I got a text from mum. Hultsfredsbiljetter är fucking fixade!!!!!!!!! Imagine my ecstasy!!
Nu är det eran tur bitches, kom igen, vill se alla där!!