I think mankind dreams of more.
Dreams of more than waking up in the morning. Eating the same breakfast. Going to school/work. Coming home. Do whatever activity. Go to sleep. Wake up.
Why did we create this?
Money is a piece of paper. We give it value, let it govern our world.
Do you realize that power?
Our minds rule the world, because our minds made it up. We are players in the game we ourselves created.
And we have to play until death.
Why don't people see beyond the paper?
Beyond everyday.
Give me noday, neverday, alwaysday, sometimesday and foreverday.
This is a fucking mayday!!
Is there anybody out there?
Borderline. Borders and lines. Go crazy. Loose it.
Mankind dreams of more than this.
Or am I the only dreamer?
I'm waiting for something to break.
Will it ever break?
I know why I love Peter Pan.
I am Wendy.