electro music. kinda bad. haha. im in a period of electro. så oseriöst. crunk. everything with badass lyrics. blipblip.
The Millionaires. Ultraviolet Sound. Jeffree Star. Kill Paradise. Hyper crush. Porcelain and the tramps.
maybe im going for plastic fantastic since i dont feel much at the moment.
wake up everyday.
want to stay in bed.
but everything pulling.
dragging me down.
barely finishing last weeks homework during the weekend.
so afraid of failing.
in desperate need of money.
when will the bad circles ever end?
The Millionaires - Alcohol
girls talk shit, we don't care
we'll take off our underwear!
come get fucked up!
give me my alcohol
let's get fucked up!
this bitch is trying to take a shot
she can't down one, what else she got?
jaeger, vodka, even whiskey
down that shit, don't be a...
who needs pepsi, juice, or sprite?
if you do you're weak (thats right)
i down my shots and gulp my beers
til' every drop disappears
Do you know what I wanna do right now? Just disappear.
Transfer to YIS. Go to Japan.
She took off, she had enough, broken dreams were all there was.