3. a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
Oh I love dictionaries.
"There are necessary facts and contingent facts in the world, and very little is necessary. Once we're born, the only inevitable thing is that we're going to die, and everything else is up for grabs, every minute, every day."
- Paul Auster
So go do something hilarious ;D Something crazy.
Or just give your average quotidian tasks a little more meaning.
Found this beautiful psychedelic playground right next to the library here in M. My first thought upon seeing it was "man, here's the perfect place to smoke up". There's a gigantic rainbow you can climb up on, small mushroom houses you can sleep in, and gigantic plants where you can sleep in little cupped flowers high above the ground. And lush green mini-hills, and a mirror tower. And I wanna live there forever. Was lying in a flower, gazing at the stars, happily running over the rainbow and resting a while inside a mushroom.
Otherwise this weekend has been 0 studying. 1 partying. and Ethan times a thousand.
Love you lil sis. XD
I am so far from reality right now. [no, not on drugs. it's the natural state of my mind] Bye bye.