
Fierce redheads

There's something special about being a redhead. More heads are turned, more attention, random guys showing appreciation. Like what the fuck. But I can't say I don't enjoy it. I love my red hair and my bangs. There's something lusty about red hair. Like fire. Like fierce. It's almost like I had a Top Model makeover.

So there was a little party last night. Semi-party. Drinking, waterpipe and laughing our asses off. Listening to rad hardcore music. Dancing. Singing our lungs out. It was supposed to be a movienight but I guess it got a little off track. But it was fun. And there was a guy as well. I don't know where that will lead but maybe it will lead somewhere. But he's not that badass and I have realized that if I don't have to work hard to get what I want, I sort of don't want it... I dunno. Night before the semi-party it was just me and Mags and FFX. God I missed that game.

And I'm still looking for a job. Tonight it's celebrating lil sis and eating out at T.G.I Fridays. And next week is more of looking for a job.