What the fuck do they think with? Their dicks? Maybe I didn't sleep with you for a reason assface? Use some other body part to think with for a change. And yes, maybe I dissed you, but I'm too nice to say it straightforward. But if you text me at 04.30am then what do you expect? Oh I'm sorry, you were at a party? Well do I look like I care, manwhore? Maybe you see yourself as God's gift to all women, but I don't find you the least attractive, especially not when you're crawling before my feet, desperately texting me in the middle of the night trying to get in my pants. Have you ever heard about the thrill of the hunt? Let the lioness hunt for a change. Don't just fall to the ground like paralyzed prey. I know I'm gorgeous, but you don't have to get so enchanted you give up on the spot. Suspense. Well I guess some guys just can't handle their blue balls well. Just because we fooled around before doesn't mean I'm promising to take it all the way. Maybe I don't feel like it anymore. Maybe your dick was too small.
Anyway, that was one guy. Then there's another, but at least he is nicer and cuter and more interesting. Then there's another one. Who I'm meeting this week and let's see what mood I'm in then. Don't tell me. I know. I have turned into a player like I said. And I love it. And hate it. It's terrible to torment the poor guys like this. It's terrible to torment myself like this, by being a cold hearted bitch. Vad spelar det för jävla roll om någon vill njuta av din kropp om de skiter totalt i din själ? Anyway, entertaining movie. Cheers Magda. We don't need boys.