Everyday takes figuring out how to live, Sometimes it feels like a mistake, Sometimes its a winners parade, Delight and angers, I guess thats the way its supposed to be... Please heal me, I cant sleep Thought I was unbreakable,but this is killing me Call me, everything Make me feel unbreakable, lie and set me free
(In Flames)
Feels like I should write something now that it is a new month. Well, I have work for a month now at least, which roxorz boxorz. Love that. And I'm hoping to get work after as well. If things go as I have planned. I can't say I'm bored, various crazy upptåg keep me satiated. Like helium balloons. And vampires. Dead to the world. And music and movies and good food and good company. Still, when you get an email from the hole in your heart you start thinking about what you are really missing and if what you're doing is very wise. Is it, isn't it, is it? Flickan som lekte med elden... Why am I doing what I'm doing? Why am I a tease? Why and why and why... And the world keeps turning. Relentlessly. And watching the world, the people in it, live their own lives like they forgot all about you, or like they didn't know you from the beginning. Maybe everyone is just too busy. And busy people don't have time for un-busy people. Nonetheless, I am here if they feel like keeping in touch. And I'll probably always be.