"People need to hate me because they hate themselves. They want to believe the rumors about me because they don't have their own rumors. I'm here to stay, with my diamond rims and pink lipstick, so get used to it and worry about yourself before you try and be negative towards me.
I'm a getaway car for real feelings. I'm your Miss Methamphetamine, the truth shoved up your nose. Smile, with your gasoline teeth and forced empathy. Let me be the one thing that makes your heart break because you can't help it. You need someone like me to make you feel wrong. "
"I don't expect you to leave me the fuck alone, to erase the word enigma from your minds and think me unimportant. I can hope, but we all hope for silly things, don't we?"
"I want out of the labels. I don't want my whole life crammed into a single word. A story. I want to find something else, unknowable, some place to be that's not on the map. A real adventure. A sphinx. A mystery. A blank. Unknown. Undefined."
See. People tell me their relationships with me is kinda fucked up and crazy. Hey, I'm different noobs. I am crazy, I am fucked up.
Not my problem if you think I'm an "eye sore" or w/e.
Deal with it.
I live the way I live, look the way I look. And I love it.
Yesterday was fucking crunkness: booze - (alot and fast) + wiiieeeeed - (not much and can't really remember) (drunk/gone long before that). Love that people don't know me here. It's so fun without fucking stuckup people who cant let go of themselves and do crazy shit.
But today I decided not to drink. Didn't feel like it. Someone else did though, and it was kinda epic.
22 shots. One each second minute.
There we go.
Judge me then fuckers. See if I care. Might write angry stuff to you here though. Even though no one is reading it. (för min egen skull)
Cause people never listen.
Yamashita park and Motomachi - just some random looking around. It's so beautiful here!! And everything and everyone is so cute!! I've found my future home, cause you can bet I'm staying here forever!!
As a Gaijin (outlandish people), people stare alot at you, especially gaijins with pink hair.
Eating on the street (while walking, you know it's like a huge part of Western culture, eating on the run) is totally shameful here. So don't do it.
Still you're forgiven for alot, since you're a gaijin and not supposed to know all the social rules, which are fucking complicated.
Japan is all about stylishness, or as G says "men looking gay". He doesnt like their skinny jeans and fashionable t-shirts. I love it!! And I love their hair. I want it. Dark, perfect japanese hair.
And another thing. All bad things come from Gaijins. People dont lock their bikes here for example, japanese people dont steal (says who), its only the gaijins who steal. Which I think, still doesnt make it ok to steal a bike just because you're a gaijin and not supposed to know any better.
Think some not even lock their houses.
And it's fucking warm!! I love it!! So wonderful walking around without a jacket, without heavy winter clothes. Ah, freedom.
Longing for Tokyo. Might go there tomorrow?
We'll see.
As for now, I hope you all are well, write me emails, I wanna have the updates from whats happening in your lives.
Love you all
(a special hug to my wonderful sisters, next time we're going here, it's the three of us, power trio on shopping adventures in Tokyo - sounds pretty awesome huh?)