What you think someone else is thinking or feeling can be terrible wrong, most of these assumptions are bullshit. Cause you can never know what that person actually felt or thought. Or what they meant. Lies like flies. My chem has never been more true: All full of lies. All meant for the flies. All gonna die.
Jumping to conclusions is the best way of hurting yourself. Destroy things, and feel bad.
Throw away all fucking assumptions, throw away that ill-fitted cloak of worries. How bad can it be. Life IS shitty sometimes. But that doesn't stop you from putting things in perspective. Open your eyes, experience everything like a new-born baby, see all the wonderful things around like for the first time. Without restricting yourself with what you think you see. Experience and rejoice. There is so much beauty.
Your misted breath in the chilly morning air. Alive!
Alive, and most likely well.
We create our own problems. At least it is we who have the power to decide if we wanna be victims, or warriors, or whatever we wanna be.
Isn't there enough drama queens in the world?
People will always blame eachother for being.
I don't have any problems, because I choose not to.
Kudde saknar dig. Hade behövt dig här. Vi kunde tända ljus, krypa upp i soffan, lyssna på glad-mysig punkrock, dricka te och käka räkmackor. Att prata om mat ungefär 4am är helt supermysigt, och jag vet inte varför. Älskar dig.
Soph. Somewhere with you, the bubbly spring-happiness returned. Soph + såpbubblor + sockerkick = oslagbart!