"Like the swaggering pirates, let's make the most and best and worst of what we have. Give not one-third but everything. All - all - all. Keep nothing back."
[she is talking about looking-glasses (love that word)]"The girl I saw was myself yet not quite myself. Long ago when I was a child and very lonely I tried to kiss her. But the glass was between us - hard, cold and misted over with my breath."
Quoting from Wide Sargasso Sea. Just finished it and started reading Stardust, since I just adore the movie. "So, you don't fit with the popular crowd, now I take that as a very good sign". Back to the quotes. I did that. Sometimes I just feel like embracing that miserable lonely girl staring back at me, cradle her in my arms and tell her everything will be ok. Give her the warmth she craves yet keeps pushing away. I want to believe in soulmates.
Created a Myspace account. Don't really know what I'm doing there, supposedly spying on the alternative scene in M&L. Hello Alone.
Elle rêve en regardent par la fênetre.